EU presents new strategy on 'critical raw materials'
EU presents new strategy on 'critical raw materials'. 3rd September 2020.
The European Commission on Thursday announced plans to diversify its access to rare earth materials used in producing "strategic technologies" and consumer goods like smart phones, electric cars and televisions...
The EU said it is concerned over dependence on a few countries for raw materials that present a high supply risk. By 2050, the EU will need around 60 times more lithium, essential for e-mobility, and 15 times more cobalt, which is used in electric car batteries....
With its "Action Plan on Critical Raw Materials," the EU aims to strengthen sourcing of raw materials from within the EU and diversify sourcing from third countries. Commission Vice-President Maros Sefcovic [said] "We are largely dependent on unsustainable raw materials from countries with much lower environmental and social standards, less freedoms and poor, unsustainable economies."
The strategy will set up a "European Raw Materials Alliance," comprising of industry stakeholders, the European Investment Bank and representatives of EU member states to help secure and diversify raw mineral supply chains. The Commission also said it would work with member states to identify mining and processing projects in the EU that can start work by 2025....
Access to resources is a "strategic security question for Europe's ambition to deliver the Green Deal," the Commission said in a brief.