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7 Mar 2022

Billy Perrigo, TIME

Facebook content moderators to receive pay rise after allegations of poor working conditions & union-busting by contractor

"Facebook Content Moderators in Kenya to Receive Pay Rise Following TIME Investigation"

Facebook content moderators based in Kenya will receive a salary increase of between 30% and 50%, in a move announced two weeks after a TIME investigation drew attention to low pay, poor working conditions and alleged union-busting by Sama, the outsourcing company that is their direct employer... The raise means that the lowest-paid Facebook content moderators at Sama will now take home around 50,000 Kenyan shillings ($439) each month after tax, or around $2.20 per hour for a 9-hour working day. This is up from around $1.50 per hour previously. Sama also promised that all content moderators would receive a yearly bonus worth one month of their salary, as an incentive to remain at the company, according to the sources...

TIME spoke to several serving content moderators at Sama who were pleased with the pay hike, but others said their feelings were mixed. “It is still not enough,” one worker said, noting that content moderators based in different countries are still paid significantly more...

The employee said that publishing the findings of any Meta audits of Sama’s Kenya office “would be great for transparency and help instill confidence in what we do. And if we aren’t comfortable publishing our audits, that seems like something we should fix.” Meta did not acknowledge a request from TIME to share the audits.
