Meta (formerly Facebook) has not responded to
Part of the following timelines
USA: Civil rights groups call on Facebook to stop use of its platform to spread hate & violence & to ensure greater accountability of leadership
Facebook audit paints 'deeply troubling' picture of company's response to Trump posts, civil rights issues
Facebook decisions were ‘setbacks for civil rights,’ audit finds
Facebook releases charter explaining structure & governance of Oversight Board
Facebook did not respond to allegations by Media Matters for America
For five years, Facebook has let a white supremacist dog whistle thrive
Despite bias claims, new data shows that Facebook is still not censoring conservatives
Facebook announces civil rights task force to fight meddling in 2020 election and census
Facebook civil rights audit takes important steps, not significant strides, says Change the Terms Coalition
Facebook releases update on civil rights audit & announces civil rights taskforce
Facebook’s civil rights audit progress report outlines recent changes & recommendations re content moderation, ad targeting, elections & accountability
Civil society letter to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg
Response from Facebook
Facebook under fire from civil rights groups
Commentary: Update about Facebook civil rights audit
Civil rights groups call for Facebook leaders to step down
NAACP protests Facebook in response to data breaches targeting people of color
Facebook board backs Sandberg's request to initiate research into Soros
George Soros' foundation blasts "Facebook’s smear campaign"
Facebook’s smear campaign against George Soros—Letter from Open Society President Patrick Gaspard to COO Sheryl Sandberg
Delay, deny and deflect: How Facebook’s leaders fought through crisis
View full story
Facebook bans content related to white nationalism & separatism after pressure from civil rights groups
Facebook did not respond to allegations by Media Matters for America
For five years, Facebook has let a white supremacist dog whistle thrive
Facebook bans far-right groups including BNP, EDL & Britain First
Canada: Facebook bans far-right commentator & white nationalist groups under its 'dangerous individuals & organizations' policy
So. Africa: Questions raised on the scope of Facebook's ban of white nationalism & separatism in relation to apartheid-supportive content
Facebook bans white nationalism from platform after pressure from civil rights groups
Facebook blog piece announces ban on white nationalism & separatism
Facebook now bans white nationalism and separatism, not just white supremacy
Facebook bans white nationalism & separatism content from its platforms
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