Bangladesh: Female workers return from KSA alleging torture & sexual harassment
Date Reported: 8 Jun 2023
Location: Saudi Arabia
MH Trade International - RecruiterAffected
Total individuals affected: 12
Migrant & immigrant workers: ( 12 - Bangladesh , Domestic worker agencies , Women , Unknown migration status )Issues
Violence , Rape & sexual abuse , InjuriesResponse
Response sought: Yes, by BHRRC
Story containing response: (Find out more)
Action taken: The company did not respond to a request for comment.
Source type: News outlet
Female workers return from KSA, Bangladesh Post, 8 June 2023
Torture and sexual harassment of Bangladesh female expatriate workers continued taking places in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) and other Middle East states. Many women migrant workers who have come back to Bangladesh shared their horrific experiences, saying they suffered backbreaking working hours and sexual abuse every day while staying in those countries.
Twelve women who went to Saudi Arabia to work as house helps about six months ago returned home penniless on June 3 after being subjected to torture, according to media reports. They returned home as the Airport Armed Police Battalion (AAPBn) took an effective step in this regard.
MH Trade International, a recruiting agency, had sent them to KSA. When the 12 women arrived at the airport, they burst into tears and said they were tortured inhumanly by the employers. They said the employers beat them with whips and iron roads...
According to both government and non-government data, thousands of Bangladeshi women migrant workers had to return home empty-handed, especially from the Middle East, after being subjected to torture. However, there is no specific information available on the real number of women migrants who returned home in the face of torture and abuse.