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1 Jul 2019

FIFA Human Rights Advisory Board

FIFA Human Rights Advisory Board publishes its third report

May 2019

Reflecting on our initial two-year term, going into our new mandate we have sought to develop a simpler reporting format with a predictable structure to enable stakeholders to quickly search for the aspects they are most interested in.

This is the Advisory Board’s third formal report... It is divided into three parts:

  1. Priority cases: Cases where the Advisory Board considered that urgent action was needed from FIFA, given the imminent risk of severe harm to a specific individual or individuals’ rights;
  2. Tournaments: Ongoing management of human rights risks in connection with major FIFA tournaments, with a current focus on the FIFA World Cup (FWC) 2022;
  3. Thematic issues: Broader topics that we are devoting attention to, including embedding human rights into FIFA’s governance and players’ rights.

We intend to replicate this format in future reports and aim to issue these shorter reports on a biannual schedule in May and November. Under our new TORs we are also separating our reporting schedule from FIFA’s, since FIFA will need to adapt its own reporting to other organizational demands and priorities.

Tracking FIFA’s Progress Against our Recommendations

We have [...] refined the 4-step categories to include a fifth category that recognizes situations where FIFA decides not to implement a particular recommendation by the Board...
