Forum for Development & Environment's input to parliament's Justice Committee on a human rights act for business
Input to the Parliament's Justice Committee: We need a human rights law for business and industry. Oslo, 17.01.2019 [Norwegian only]
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Input to the Parliament's Justice Committee: We need a human rights law for business and industry. Oslo, 17.01.2019 [Norwegian only]
The Transparency Act enters into force on 1 July 2022.
On 10 June Norway passed a historic law that will require companies to perform human rights and decent work due diligence assessments of their value chains.
Comment by the European Coalition of Corporate Justice
In this blog, Mark Taylor outlines the strengths and weaknesses of the Norwegian Government's proposed due diligence Act, highlighting the importance of the right to information and duty to disclose
The Rafto Foundation's Annual Report for 2020 stresses the importance of business in upholding human rights, and highlights the urgent need for mandatory human rights due diligence in Norway
The Ethics Information Committee submitted a report to the Norwegian Government recommending an Act to regulate the right to know, enterprises' supply chain transparency, and human rights due diligence
The Norwegian Forum for Development and Environment has submitted a letter to the Justice Committee on the need of a human rights act for companies
The Norwegian Government established the Ethics Information Committee to assess whether businesses should be required to disclose information on responsible business conduct and supply chain management