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25 Jul 2024

Euronews Green

France: Environmental group files greenwashing complaint against Lululemon

"Lululemon: Canadian sportswear brand accused of greenwashing ahead of Olympic opening ceremony," 25 July 2024

...Athleisure brand and official Team Canada outfitter Lululemon has been accused of greenwashing in France.

Canadian environmental campaign group Stand.earth filed a legal complaint yesterday based on the retailer’s ‘Be Planet’ campaign, which it says contradicts the company’s climate record...

The complaint notes that Lululemon France’s greenhouse gas emissions are relatively low - but says they do not reflect the extent of Lululemon Athletica’s scope 3 emissions in its global supply chain to which the French subsidiary has access...

Lululemon did not immediately respond to a request for comment from Euronews Green.

A spokesperson for the company told Climate Home News that its Be Planet “is not a marketing campaign” but “a pillar” of the company’s impact strategy, and that the firm is confident the statements it makes to the public accurately reflect its impact goals and commitments.

“We are taking direct action and are committed to collaborating with industry partners to help address supply chain impacts on climate change,” the spokesperson added. “We welcome dialogue and remain focused on driving progress.”