East-West highway builders go on strike
Date Reported: 8 May 2021
Location: Georgia
Hunan Road & Bridge Construction Group Company Limited - Employer , Asian Development Bank (ADB) - SponsorProjects
Khevi-Ubisa section of the East-West highway - SiteAffected
Total individuals affected: 400
Workers: ( 400 - Georgia , Road-building , Gender not reported )Issues
Protests , Wage TheftResponse
Response sought: Yes, by Business and Human Rights Resource Centre
Story containing response: (Find out more)
Source type: News outlet
08 May 2021
Builders on the Khevi-Ubisa section of the East-West highway refuse to continue work. They demand higher wages, Channel One reports. A strike of about 400 workers is taking place near the village of Boriti, Kharagaulsky district, where the third transport hub is located. “We do not have an interpreter to understand what the boss says and what needs to be done. In addition, our salaries are low and we demand an increase,” one of the protesters, Beka Tsikorishvili said.
The Chinese company Hunan Road and Bridge Construction Group is engaged in construction work on the Khevi-Ubisa site.