Greece: 60% of work violations in 2024 are linked to illegal or uninsured labour, according to the Hellenic Labor Inspectorate
"Violation of working hours," 19 September 2024
Illegal or underinsured labor accounted for six out of every 10 fines imposed in January-August by the Hellenic Labor Inspectorate on businesses found to violate the legislation.
A significant part of the violations related to the application of the digital labor card, whose central objective is to reduce uninsured labor, the observance of working hours, and the correct payment of overtime, in all branches of the economy it applies to.
In August one in five violations recorded concerned the incorrect implementation of the digital card by businesses that have joined the new time recording model. Out of a total of 1,039 work violations identified during that particular month, 206 (or 19.82%) were related to the use of the digital card...