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2 Jul 2021

Just Associates (JASS)

Honduras: Comment: Court reaches the final phase of oral arguments; understand what has happened so far in David Castillo’s trial, accused of premeditating and executing the murder of the defender Berta Cáceres


“The Paths of Justice for Berta Cáceres”, 24 June 2021

...On March 2, 2016, the world suffered the murder of land defender Berta Cáceres…[T]he murderers of Berta Cáceres have names—at the time, they were shareholders in DESA [the company that was building the hydroelectric project she and the Lenca communities opposed]. The current trial against Roberto David Castillo, who served as general manager of DESA, is being carried out within the justice institutions of the state. After more than two years of delays, the public trial has entered the final phase of oral arguments...Roberto David Castillo’s direct link to Berta's murder has been amply demonstrated: recordings of telephone calls made from the cell phones of DESA employees have shown that he coordinated and provided logistics to the hitmen who murdered Berta Cáceres…[I]t has been proven that David Castillo transferred and ensured the execution of the orders of the masterminds of the crime to the murderers, that is to say, evidence showed his key role of liaison between those who paid for the murder and those who executed it...Berta Cáceres warned about Castillo’s training in military intelligence and, as has been seen throughout the hearings, he used this training to control and monitor her actions. In the course of the trial, different evidence has been presented that points directly to the guilt of Roberto David Castillo, but there is also evidence that shows that Castillo's work, as an attacker of the communities, is framed within the policies of dispossession towards indigenous communities…These debates take place mainly in the Feminist Camp "Viva Berta" that was installed on the outskirts of the Supreme Court of Justice…[,]...promoted by the National Network of Defenders of Honduras, the Black Fraternal Organization of Honduras (OFRANEH) and the Civic Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras (COPINH)...
