How Women Won the KBR Rape Case [USA]
[In the] Jones’ case against KBR employee Charles Boartz for rape and against KBR for knowingly sending her into a hostile work environment…a jury found Boartz and KBR not guilty…KBR found experts and evidence that cast doubt on large portions of Jones’ story…Jones’ trial was about rape, but her story is about companies eroding access to the justice system…Jones had become the poster child for the fight against…“mandatory arbitration clauses” in employment and consumer contracts…When Jones tried to bring her alleged attackers to justice and hold KBR responsible for placing her in danger, she was told that she had, in fact, signed away that right. She would have to air all complaints in arbitration with the compan…The Fifth Circuit Appeals Court..[found] that the binding arbitration clause did not apply to Jones’ sexual-assault charges…