Ibrahim Al-Huwaiti
Shadli Al-Huwaiti, Atallah Al-Huwaiti and Ibrahim Al-Huwaiti are members of Indigenous Al-Howeiti in Saudi Arabia, who were arrested in 2020 for refusing to give up their home for the $500bn Neom megacity project. The new megacity will include a 170km straight line city, an eight-sided city that floats on water, and a ski resort with a folded vertical village, among other projects. In October 2022, three men were sentenced to death. Shadli Al-Huwaiti is the brother of Abdul Rahim Al-Huwaiti, a Tabuk resident who was shot dead by Saudi Special Forces in April 2020 for protesting against Riyadh's eviction orders to make room for the project. Earlier in 2022, tribe leaders Abdulilah al-Howeiti and Abdullah Dukhail al-Howeiti were also arrested and sentenced to 50 years in prison for protesting the evictions.