ICCR Letter of Endorsement for MFA's Justice for Wage Theft campaign
ICCR is proud to formally endorse the Migrant Forum in Asia’s (MFA) Call for an Urgent Justice Mechanism for Repatriated Migrant Workers. It is important to note that “the COVID-19 pandemic has severely impacted millions of migrant workers in destination countries, many of whom have experienced job loss or non-payment of wages, been forced by employers to take unpaid leave or reduced wages, been confined in poor living conditions, and with little or no engagement in the work options before them.”...
As numerous retailers and manufacturers in all sectors have avoided liability for systemic abuse in the past which has been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, we support the call for an urgent justice mechanism that includes the establishment of an International Claims Commissions, a compensation fund, and reforming of national justice systems to enable legal remedies for those impacted by wage theft.
The Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility urges companies to implement human rights due diligence in their supply chains during and following the COVID-19 crisis. We call on companies and investors to support MFA’s Justice for Wage Theft campaign. Thank you.