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25 Jul 2022

Pratidin Time

India: Tea worker injured in roller machine incident

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"Tinsukia Tea Estate Worker Injured After Accidentally Entering Machine", 25 July 2022

A tragic incident has rocked Talap Tea Estate in Assam’s Tinsukia district on Monday after another person accidentally entered a roller machine.

The victim has been identified as Binod Minjo. According to reports, he accidentally went inside a roller machine inside the factory.

The worker has sustained injuries to several parts of the body including his head.

Meanwhile, the tea estate authorities have been accused of trying to sweep the matter under the rug.

It may be noted that a woman was seriously injured in a similar incident while working at Lepetkatta tea factory in Dibrugarh when her hair got stuck in the CTC machine.

Moina Nayak (24) had accidentally entered into the dryer machine of the tea garden and sustained serious injuries...