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17 Sep 2019

Financial Express

India: Yamaha signs three-year wage settlement deal with workers following labour unrest and union busting activities in factory

"Yamaha India signs three-year wage pact with workers’ union", 13 September 2019

The Japanese two-wheeler major witnessed labour unrest at its Chennai factory...during September and October 2018 owing to sacking of a few workers as well as prohibiting some from forming a labour union.

India Yamaha Motor (IYM)...said it has signed a three-year wage settlement deal with workers’ union at its Chennai factory...

...Though the company has not disclosed the details of the three-year wage settlement yet, sources in the union said a worker will be getting an average hike of Rs 14,000-Rs 20,000 a month over a period of three years depending upon the category and experience...

...In a statement, the company said, after the massive labour unrest...the IYM management took several steps to establish better communication with the employees to understand their concerns. The workers also participated in the discussions in a planned way without affecting the company’s production targets...

...As per the agreement, the employees would also be eligible to get an additional increase in their CTCs depending on their productivity, level of the skill attained and experience over the three year period...