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24 Jun 2024

Indonesia: Dairi community protests Chinese state-owned CNIC Corporation's $245 million financing for Dairi zinc and lead mine; incl. co. non-response

On 11 June 2024, local residents from Dairi Regency, North Sumatra, protested outside the Chinese embassy in Jakarta against the planned Dairi Prima Mineral zinc and lead mine. The project, a joint venture involving Chinese state-owned mining giant China Nonferrous Metal Industry’s Foreign Engineering and Construction Co (NFC), recently secured $245 million in funding from CNIC Corporation, a state-owned investment company ultimately controlled by the China Reform Holdings Corporation (CRHC). CRHC is one of the central enterprises supervised by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council (SASAC).

Local residents highlighted the high earthquake risk in the area and potential for environmental disaster, particularly from a proposed tailings dam. The community call for investors to withdraw funding, highlighting the project's threat to their future generations and way of life.

Business & Human Rights Resource Centre invited NFC, CNIC Corporation and CRHC to respond. They did not.

Company Responses

CNIC Corporation

No Response

China Non-ferrous Metal Industry’s Foreign Engineering & Construction (part of China Nonferrous Metal Mining)

No Response

China Reform Holdings Corporation (CRHC)

No Response
