Japan: Human Rights Now & Investor Alliance for Human Rights publish Japanese translation of Investor Toolkit on Human Rights
" 【日本語訳の公開】人権のための投資家向けツールキット(Investor Alliance for Human Rights)" 7 July 2022
[Japanese-to-English translation: Business & Human Rights Resource Centre ]
Human Rights Now, in collaboration with the Investor Alliance for Human Rights (IAHR), an initiative focusing on investor responsibility in respecting human rights, has released a Japanese translation of the Investor Toolkit for Human Rights produced by the IAHR.
As a party to business, investors have a responsibility to take human rights into account in accordance with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Particularly in the context of the global financial crisis resulting from COVID-19, they must not only support economic recovery, but also actively contribute to building new institutions based on respect for human rights.
This toolkit provides practical guidance to navigate institutional investors to assess human rights risks for all those involved in their business in accordance with the Guiding Principles and to build risk management systems that respect human rights.[...]
English version▶https://investorsforhumanrights.org/investor-toolkit-human-rights
Download the Japanese version here.