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28 Oct 2021

Japan & Mozambique: NGOs urge G-Bio Initiative to halt biomass power station; incl. co. response

On 15 October 2021, NGOs from Japan and Mozambique sent a request to G-Bio Initiative, a Japanese power generation company, asking the company to halt its new biomass power station plan in Japan and extraction of oil as fuel in Mozambique. The request letter shows concerns over a huge environmental and social impact potentially created by the station. The possible adverse impact includes damaging Mozambican land and the original ecosystem through growing alien species for fuel. Also, the letter calls the practice of using large fields of Mozambique for supplying electricity in Japan is a form of "colonialism." In addition, the letter refers to Sue people's opposition to the project due to the potential deterioration of their living environment caused by construction.

Business & Human Rights Resource Centre invited G-Bio Initiative to respond to this request letter. The response is provided below.