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9 Sep 2021

The Weekly Vision

Kenya: After almost two months, no arrests made for murder of conservationist threatened by road developers

'No arrests made in conservationist Joannah Stutchbury’s assassination', 4 September 2021

Kenya Civil Society has kicked up a fresh storm over the failure by police to arrest any suspect in the murder of conservationist, Joannah Stutchbury. The police are accused of “ignoring” or “shielding” suspects behind the murder of the elderly conservator who had even reported that her life was in danger... This they said despite the slain conservator posting fears on her Twitter account that her life was in danger from a group that wanted to construct a road through a forest, which she opposed... According to the lobby groups ... demanding action into the death of conservationists including that of an American in 2019, there was ample “circumstantial evidence” that should have led to the arrest of suspects. Before her death, Stutchbury had accused a “senior” local politician of threatening her life...
