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Laos: Authorities arrest 60 in continued raids on scam centres in Golden Triangle Special Economic Zone
Lao authorities arrested 60 Lao and Chinese nationals in ongoing raids on illegal scam centres in the Golden Triangle Special Economic Zone, following earlier operations that resulted in the arrest and deportation of 771 Vietnamese and Chinese nationals.
Laos orders 'scam centres' in Golden Triangle SEZ to be completely shut down
Laos: Supreme Court to establish special court in Golden Triangle SEZ to combat crime & human trafficking
Laos' People's Supreme Court aims to establish a special court in the Golden Triangle Special Economic Zone to directly tackle the area's criminal activities, including scam-related businesses, human trafficking, prostitution, and drug trafficking.
Laos arrests & deports 462 Chinese nationals for crimes including human trafficking related to Golden Triangle Special Economic Zone operations
Laos: Crime and labour abuse on rise as Golden Triangle Special Economic Zone remains enforcement blind spot
To enter, police need permission from officials at the Chinese-run Kings Roman Casino
Kings Romans Group could not be reached for comment
Laos: Golden Triangle Economic Zone run by Chinese triad leader suspected of running brothels and online scams, and trafficking humans, animal parts and drugs
Laos: 700 Malaysian migrant workers are detained for ransom in Golden Triangle Special Economic Zone
Lao initiative to register workers in Chinese-run SEZ has limited success
Last of 15 Thais trapped in Laos’ Golden Triangle SEZ are rescued
Lao officials propose new labor contract to protect workers in Chinese-run SEZ
Lao women held by Chinese-run casino plead for help
Debt-trapped Lao ‘chat girls’ forced to sell sex in China-run economic zone
Laos: Chinese casino operator sanctioned by US seeks expansion in Golden Triangle SEZ, raising pollution and livelihood concerns
Rural Lao residents worry that Chinese development projects could hurt livelihoods, and ruin historical sites
Chinese casino operator sanctioned by the US Treasury Dept. for transnational crimes including human trafficking builds port in Laos' economic zone
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