Leading climate change advocacy groups express “enormous concerns” about Rex Tillerson
On Monday afternoon, as the announcement of Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson‘s nomination as secretary of State loomed, representatives of leading climate change advocacy groups held a telebriefing called #ExxonKnew... Kathy Mulvey, the climate accountability campaign manager at the Union of Concerned Scientists, [said] “Coupled with the nomination of Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt for EPA administration, there’s a real concern that President-elect Trump is creating a government of, by, and for the oil and gas industry”... [Annie Leonard, the executive director of Greenpeace, said] “In nominating Rex Tillerson as potential secretary of State, Trump may have found the only person in the country with more conflicts of interest than himself”... Bill McKibben,...co-founder of 350.0rg, [said] “...the environmental community is going to be joining with people in the human rights community and others in heavily mobilized opposition to this nomination...”