Lebanon: ILO guidebook reviews public employment programmes to reduce unemployment among host communities and refugees
“Towards the right to work: a guidebook for designing IPEP, background and experiences from the Syrian refugee crisis in Lebanon”, 22 June 2017
…Lebanon is experiencing a growing labour supply and increasing pressure on the labour market as a result of the Syrian refugee crisis. To address job shortages and alleviate tensions among refugees and host communities, the launch of emergency employment schemes and labour-intensive infrastructure work has constituted a substantial part of the increasingly development-orientated response of the international community to the crisis. This guidebook reflects on and analyses the on-going operation of public employment programmes [PEPs] as well as public infrastructure programmes in light of the current context in order to ensure best informed implementation in Lebanon…[The] guidebook will…focus on Cash for Work [CfW], a type of PEP that is used to address emergency situations. In the protracted Syrian refugee crisis in Lebanon, CfW can help to mitigate the effects of high unemployment rates among affected communities, Lebanese host communities as well as refugees…It will provide an overview of different targeting mechanisms and strategies commonly used in CfW programmes as well as introducing some of the criticisms and challenges of these mechanisms. The main targeting mechanisms discussed are Proxy Means Test, Multi-Deprivation Index and Maps of Risks and Resources. This guidebook will also provide information and insights regarding issues of gender equality during the implementation of PEPs…