Part of the following timelines
Liability of Multinational Corporations under International Law
Freeport-McMoRan lawsuits (re West Papua)
NYC [New York City] pension funds concerned about Freeport McMoRan's activities in Indonesia
Summary of ATCA Cases Involving Multinational Corporations
Landmark Court Rulings
Environmental Rights Enforcement in U.S. Courts
Mining a sacred land [Indonesia]
Recent ATCA Cases Against Corporate Defendants
Globalization, Rights and Poverty
West Papua Information Kit: "Mining"
Court orders Freeport to clean up its act [West Papua]
sample chapter: Moving Mountains - Chapter 4: Repressive Mining in West Papua
Indonesia uses British jets to attack tribesmen
What's Yours Is Mine
Liability of Multinational Corporations under International Law
Mining for Disaster
full text of Appellate Court's decision affirming lower court's dismissal of Beanal's claims
Speech by plaintiff Tom Beanal
Spinning Gold
View full case
Cape/Gencor lawsuits (re So. Africa)
[PDF] The Third Pillar: Access to Judicial Remedies for Human Rights Violations by Transnational Business
Access to Justice and Extractive Industries (UK)
[audio] Silicosis: the largest class action suit in South African history and why it still matters
Alien Tort Backup Plan
Mine class action could start soon [So. Africa]
House of Commons debate about human rights concerns in Legal Aid Bill [UK]
Multinationals will profit from the government's civil litigation shakeup [UK]
South African mining facing implied $100bn silicosis damage – RBC
[PDF] Implications of the Jackson Civil Costs Reforms for Human Rights Cases against Multinational Corporations [UK]
[PDF] Tort litigation against multinationals (“MNCs”) for violation of human rights: an overview of the position outside the US
Leigh Day's Annual Review
Submission to European Commission regarding Brussels I Regulation (EC 44/2001)
[PDF] Review of the Brussels I Regulation
[PDF] Special event: Martyn Day & Paul Hoffman speaking on “Human rights lawsuits against companies – our experiences with victims, their families and businesspeople” (London, 3 Dec 2009)
[DOC] Open Letter to the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General on Business and Human Rights: The genesis and development of MNC litigation in South Africa and a possible model for the future
[PDF] Obstacles to Justice and Redress for Victims of Corporate Human Rights Abuse
Lawyers in a hunt for big game
Anglo being sued for R20m [So. Africa]
[PDF] Extraterritorial Jurisdiction as a tool for improving the Human Rights Accountability of Transnational Corporations
Why all companies should address human rights (and how the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre can help)
Asbestos attorney secures Swiss payout [South Africa]
[PDF] Transboundary Accountability for Transnational Corporations: Using Private Civil Claims
[DOC] Regulations for Corporations: A historical account of TNC regulation
Legal Remedies for the Resource Curse - A Digest of Experience in Using Law to Combat Natural Resource Corruption
[PDF] Beating the Odds: The Quest for Justice by South African Asbestos Mining Communities
Law, Globalization & Multinational Corps [Corporations] Law [Syllabus]
[PDF] executive summary: "Business and International Crimes: Assessing the Liability of Business Entities for Grave Violations of International Law"
[PDF] The Changing Landscape of Liability - A Director’s Guide to Trends in Corporate Environmental, Social and Economic Liability
Martyn Vs Goliath
Lawyers in asbestos case agreed to destroy evidence [UK]
[DOC] Corporate Social Responsibility: The International Aspects
Asbestosis victims continue their fights while multinationals duck and dive [So. Africa]
Human rights for all people for all times
Global actions against multinational companies
Cape plc finally pays out
Pay-out for ill miners cut by half [South Africa]
Asbestos deal won't bring back the dead [South Africa]
Less money for mining victims
Gold Mines Could Face Gencor-Type Lawsuits [South Africa]
Black workers to receive £45m asbestos settlement [South Africa]
[PDF] Legal Issues in Corporate Citizenship
Gencor opposes class action as 37 seek payment for asbestos-related diseases [South Africa]
Gencor's asbestos liability could be huge, court told [South Africa]
Asbestos victims seek court nod for class action against Gencor [South Africa]
Claimants set to pursue Gencor in UK [UK/South Africa]
Asbestos victims' lawyers carry costs
Gencor mum on asbestos case [South Africa]
Cape avoids justice again
Miners take Cape Plc back to court [South Africa/UK]
SA asbestos lawyers could face dilemma: Gencor may seek redress from Cape [South Africa]
Asbestos claim case takes new twist with Gencor: Workers to challenge company's unbundling [South Africa]
Cape plc's P5.6m goes to banks, not victims [South Africa]
Cape Plc fails to pay asbestos claimants [South Africa]
Asbestos case: Bankers could be held liable [South Africa]
Asbestos Lawyers Hand Cape a Final Ultimatum to Pay [South Africa]
Asbestos victims' wait drags on [South Africa]
Asbestosis victims wait for their millions [South Africa]
Internationally Binding Legislation and Litigation for the Enforcement of Labour Rights
Asbestos firm [Cape] warns of claims risk
36 asbestos claims cite Gencor as a defendant [South Africa]
Asbestos victims win landmark case [UK]
Justice sought for workers suffering from asbestosis [South Africa]
Lifting the corporate veil
Gefco faces potential lawsuit landslide
UK payout for asbestosis victims
South African Asbestos Victims Settle With Cape
Cape to compensate South Africa asbestos miners
Victory for South African asbestos claimants
Blow to asbestos claimants
Asbestos victims widen quest for compensation [South Africa/UK]
Cape plc Opens Talks With South African Asbestos Victims: First breakthrough in compensation campaign?
South African asbestos settlement talks begin
Cape asbestos case turns critical
Compensate South African Victims, Cape plc Told
Justice delayed for a childhood in asbestos
Apartheid's Killer Legacy
Bringing the Multinationals to Book
Liability of Multinational Corporations under International Law
View full case
U.S. apparel cos. lawsuit (re Saipan)
U.S. Retailers See Big Risk in Safety Plan for Factories in Bangladesh
[PDF] Missing the Point: A response to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce report “Think Globally, Sue Locally”
[PDF] Think globally, sue locally: Out-of-court tactics employed by plaintiffs, their lawyers, and their advocates in transnational tort cases
A Win for Wiwa, a Win for Shell, a Win for Corporate Human Rights
The Law, Slaves and Jack Abramoff
The ethical revolution sweeping through the world's sweatshops
[PDF] executive summary: "Business and International Crimes: Assessing the Liability of Business Entities for Grave Violations of International Law"
[DOC] Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility -- What’s That Lawyer Doing Here?
Co-op America's Retailer Scorecard
[PDF] Corporate Social Responsibility - What Every In-House Counsel Should Know
Saipan Sweatshop Lawsuit Ends with Important Gains for Workers and Lessons for Activists
Saipan garment industry under close scrutiny [Northern Mariana Islands, USA]
Politically correct down to a T: the rise of ethical chic
Levi Opts Out of Sweatshop Settlement
comments by advocates for plaintiffs: "Global economy: Saipan"
comments by Gap Inc.: "Saipan"
USA: Levis is Lone Hold Out in Saipan Suit
[PDF] Legal Issues in Corporate Citizenship
Outcome in Saipan labor case welcomed
For anti-sweatshop activists, recent settlement [by apparel companies in lawsuit over labour rights in Saipan] is only tip of iceberg
Gap Settles Garment Workers Lawsuit
Seven More Retailers Settle Lawsuits Involving Workers in Saipan
U.S. Clothing Retailers on Saipan Settle Landmark Workers' Rights Lawsuit
Statement From Lead Attorney for Workers in Saipan Human Rights Case in Response to Target's Dispute of Lawsuit Allegations
A Long Way to Find Justice: What Are Burmese Villagers Doing in a California Court?
Internationally Binding Legislation and Litigation for the Enforcement of Labour Rights
U.S. firms face suits for overseas acts
U.S. clothing giants suffer blow from Saipan case rulings
Garment workers granted class action status in sweatshop suit [USA-Saipan]
Saipan judge certifies suit as class action: Ruling in dispute over garment factories a rebuff to Gap, Levi
Sweatshops Under the American Flag
Litigation Update: A Summary of Recent Developments in U.S. Cases Brought Under the Alien Tort Claims Act and Torture Protection Act
Saipan workers' class action lawsuit will proceed to trial
Sweatshop Case May Grow - Courts [Saipan]
Summary of the Saipan Sweatshop Litigation
Liability of Multinational Corporations under International Law
View full case
Nike lawsuit (Kasky v Nike, re denial of labour abuses)
[PDF] Regulating Transnational Companies - 46 proposals
[PDF] Réguler les enterprises transnationales - 46 propositions
Available languages: français -
[PDF] Think globally, sue locally: Out-of-court tactics employed by plaintiffs, their lawyers, and their advocates in transnational tort cases
Les Entreprises Transnationales et leur Responsabilité Sociétale
Available languages: français -
[PDF] Human Rights Due Diligence: Is It Too Risky? [scroll to p. 6]
A Federal Court of Appeals Revives a Class Action Seeking Compensation for Slavery in America
[PDF] What's wrong with Corporate Social Responsibility?
[PDF] Etat du reporting sur le développement durable 2005 - La couleur du reporting, le goût du reporting, mais est-ce du reporting? [France]
Available languages: français -
Company lawyers get a wider role
Nike ushers in a new age of corporate responsibility
The ethical revolution sweeping through the world's sweatshops
Nike makes the step to transparency
Nike Issues FY04 Corporate Responsibility Report Highlighting Multi-Stakeholder Engagement and New Levels of Transparency
Ethical reporting and the law [USA]
[PDF] The Changing Landscape of Liability - A Director’s Guide to Trends in Corporate Environmental, Social and Economic Liability
[PDF] Social Impact Update - Third Quarter 2004
[Reading list for "Human Rights in the Marketplace" course]
[DOC] Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility -- What’s That Lawyer Doing Here?
[DOC] From Talk to Walk: The Emergence of Human Rights Responsibilities for Corporations at International Law
Analysis: Is trying to kill the Alien Tort Claims Act digging for fool’s gold?
[PDF] Corporate Social Responsibility - What Every In-House Counsel Should Know
PROFILE: Nike comms keeps running smoothly under Manager
[PDF] Summaries of Presentations Made at the UNRISD Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility and Development: Towards a New Agenda? 17 November 2003 - 18 November 2003 Salle XVI, Palais des Nations, Geneva
The Implications of the Nike and Kasky Settlement on CSR Reporting
[DOC] Lawyers, Corporations and International Human Rights Law
Nike settles 'free speech' court case [USA]
comments by Nike: "The Kasky case is complex in its history yet simple in context"
Living with the enemy - Non-governmental organisations and business
Saving Corporations From Themselves? Allowing corporations to deliberately deceive is a recipe for disaster
Supreme Court won't rule in case about Nike and anti-globalization campaign (USA)
Court Won't Rule on Corporate Free Speech
Advertisers say ruling [in Nike case] leaves them in limbo [USA]
Nike v. Kasky: Corporations Are Not Persons
Nike defends claims of sweatshop labour and false advertising
Nike: Free Speech or "False Promises"?
Domini files amicus brief with Supreme Court in Nike v. Kasky
Legal case for doing the right thing
Book Review: Unequal Protection: The Rise of Corporate Dominance and the Theft of Human Rights
[PDF] Legal Issues in Corporate Citizenship
Supreme Court to take up Nike and free speech [USA]
Nike in free speech battle
Short-sighted victories in free speech
California supreme court decision potentially devastating for corporate responsibility reporting and SRI funds worldwide
A new model for social auditing
Court says first amendment doesn't shield Nike from suit [USA]
California Supreme Court says Nike can be sued for false ads
Calif. court says Nike can be sued for false ads [USA]
California's Supreme Court to Decide Corporate Whitewash Trial
full text of decision by California Court of Appeal in case of Kasky v. Nike, affirming lower court's dismissal of the case
Liability of Multinational Corporations under International Law
full text of complaint in case of Kasky v. Nike
View full case
Unocal lawsuit (re Myanmar)
Commentary: The Legal Case Map, a key resource for firms' human rights & modern slavery risk management
[PDF] The Third Pillar: Access to Judicial Remedies for Human Rights Violations by Transnational Business
New Report Examines Evolution and Future of Human Rights Litigation in U.S. Courts
Modern-Day Slavery and Human Trafficking: Is Business Ready to Face Up to It?
Alien Tort Backup Plan
[PDF] Investor Statement for Human Rights and in Support of the U.S. Alien Tort Statute
[PDF] Submission on Oil & Gas sector discussion paper
Another Supreme Court boost for corporate unaccountability?
Cuando el gran dinero choca con los derechos humanos [USA]
Available languages: español -
When big business and human rights collide
Corporate Accountability Now
[PDF] Corporate Liability of Energy/Natural Resources Companies at National Law for Breach of International Human Rights Norms
Free Burma: Transnational Legal Action and Corporate Accountability [book]
Better Safe than Sorry
Trial trails: An American court blocks human-rights suits against businesses
Shortening the Long Arm of the Law [USA]
[PDF] Think globally, sue locally: Out-of-court tactics employed by plaintiffs, their lawyers, and their advocates in transnational tort cases
ERI Submits Reports to the U.N. on U.S. Corporate Accountability and Human Rights Litigation
[PDF] Stakeholder Submission on United States Obligations to Respect, Protect and Remedy Human Rights in the Context of Business Activities
[PDF] Universal Periodic Review – United States of America Submission to the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
[PDF] Human Rights Due Diligence: Is It Too Risky? [scroll to p. 6]
[audio] Globalising justice
[PDF] Special event: Martyn Day & Paul Hoffman speaking on “Human rights lawsuits against companies – our experiences with victims, their families and businesspeople” (London, 3 Dec 2009)
[PDF] Getting it Wrong: Flawed "Corporate Social Responsibility" and Misrepresentations Surrounding Total and Chevron's Yadana Gas Pipeline in Military-Ruled Burma (Myanmar)
[PDF] Total Impact: The Human Rights, Environmental, and Financial Impacts of Total and Chevron's Yadana Gas Project in Military-Ruled Burma (Myanmar)
Human rights abuses: How complicit are oil companies?
Lawsuits target oil company operations overseas
Old law exhumed by fighters for human rights [USA]
Oil Industry Braces for Trial on Rights Abuses
ERI Speaks to Oil Industry: New Investment in Military-Ruled Burma Poses Huge Risks to Companies
[PDF] Obstacles to Justice and Redress for Victims of Corporate Human Rights Abuse
[PDF] Corporate Complicity in Human Rights Abuses
Open Wounds - Big Oil and Big Mining face a host of allegations that they helped commit human rights abuses
Bad Business: Why Companies Shouldn't Trade with Abusive Regimes
Watchdog group says Chevron complicit in Myanmar
Report: Chevron financing, profiting from and liable for human rights abuses in Burma (Myanmar)
Corporate Operations in Burma Fuel Human Rights Abuses, Say Shareowner Activists
Analysis: Gas, oil get Myanmar off hook
United States: Corporate Liability For Human Rights Abuses Goes On Trial
Hey, We Just Fly the Planes [Alien Tort Claims Act & Valuation of Companies]
United States: The Bottom Line - Corporate Social Responsibility Works, And Progressives Shouldn’t Abandon It
Burma: Natural Gas Project Threatens Human Rights - South Korean, Indian Investments May Lead to Complicity in Abuses
[PDF] Prepared Remarks at Clifford Chance
11th Circuit Asked to Clarify Corporate Liability [USA]
The UN Human Rights Norms for Corporations: The Private Implications of Public International Law
Oil Companies Revamp Ethical Plans as Legal Risk Grows
Global Lawyer: The Death of Alien Tort
[PDF] full report: "The International Law Standard for Corporate Aiding and Abetting Liability"
[PDF] full report: "Supply and Command - Natural Gas in Western Burma set to entrench military rule"
[PDF] Win or Lose in Court
Court Denies Unocal's Efforts to Shift Responsibility for Human Rights Abuses [in Burma] to its Insurers
Total Denial
[PDF] Order denying Unocal’s motion for partial summary judgment regarding Lexington’s defense of concealment
Ominous Outlook for the UN Norms
Mapping out the way ahead for business and human rights
«Les Etats ne sont pas les seuls responsables des violations des droits humains»
Available languages: français -
Understanding corporate complicity: Extending the notion beyond existing laws [speech by Irene Khan, Amnesty International, to Business & Human Rights Seminar, London, Dec 2005]
[PDF] Corporate Action Network Magazine
[PDF] Rapport intérimaire du Représentant spécial du Secrétaire général chargé de la question des droits de l'homme et des sociétés transnationales et autres entreprises
Available languages: français -
Interim report of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on the issue of human rights and transnational corporations and other business enterprises
[PDF] Informe provisional del Representante Especial del Secretario General sobre la cuestión de los derechos humanos y las empresas transnacionales y otras empresas comerciales
Available languages: español -
Defining Corporate Complicity in Human Rights Abuses
Going Nowhere
[PDF] Joint NGO Submission, Consultation on Human Rights and the Extractive Industry
[PDF] Présentation Conjointe D’Ong - Consultation sur les droits de l’homme et l’industrie extractive
Available languages: français -
[PDF] Presentación Conjunta de ONG - Consulta Sobre Derechos Humanos y la Industria Extractiva
Available languages: español -
[DOC] Remarks by John G. Ruggie - Business & Human Rights Seminar - Old Billingsgate, London, December 8, 2005
Senator Feinstein's Now-Withdrawn Statute Limiting Non-Citizens' Tort Claims: How Would It Have Affected Abu-Ghraib-Related Civil Suits and Other Similar Civil Actions?
[PDF] L'Alien Tort Claims Act [ATCA, Etats-Unis]: une possibilité intéressante mais menacée
Available languages: français -
The story you haven't heard about ... The Yadana Project in Myanmar
Historic Advance for Universal Human Rights: Unocal to Compensate Burmese Villagers
[DOC] Regulations for Corporations: A historical account of TNC regulation
[PDF] The Unocal Settlement: Implications for the Developing Law on Corporate Complicity in Human Rights Abuses
Wrangle Prolongs Allocation of Unocal Payout
Lack of Human Rights Policy Concerns Chevron Shareowners in Light of Unocal Merger
Tentative Settlement of ATCA [Alien Tort Claims Act] Human Rights Suits Against Unocal
Pirates of the Corporation - Holding American companies responsible for high crimes committed overseas
ChevronTexaco critics band together
A Big Win for Human Rights
Belgium to reopen rights probe on Total in Myanmar
Statement of EarthRights International Regarding ChevronTexaco’s Acquisition of Unocal
ChevronTexaco Seen Selling Unocal Myanmar Assets [scroll down]
The story you haven't heard about... The Activists' Lawsuits
Common Questions and Answers for ERI [EarthRights International, regarding settlement with Unocal regarding Burma]
U.S.: Rights Advocates Hail 'Landmark' Settlement With American Corporation
Unocal settlement with Myanmar villagers finalised
The Arm of the Law gets Longer
Las multinacionales y los derechos humanos
Available languages: español -
Discussing corporate injustice
The limits of human rights legislation [USA]
Gas Deal Wins Kudos, But Activists Warn of Rights Abuses [Burma]
Unocal Announces It Will Settle A Human Rights Suit: What Is the Real Story Behind Its Decision?
Paying For It - Doing business with regimes may cost American companies cash as well as goodwill
Foreign crimes come home to the US
Unocal settles Burma human rights cases
Settlement in works over human rights case involving Unocal
Unocal strikes deal with Myanmar villagers over alleged use of slave labour
Unocal to Settle Lawsuits Over Myanmar Abuse
Settlement reached in human rights lawsuit [Burma/USA]
[PDF] The Changing Landscape of Liability - A Director’s Guide to Trends in Corporate Environmental, Social and Economic Liability
[PDF] executive summary: "Business and International Crimes: Assessing the Liability of Business Entities for Grave Violations of International Law"
Human rights: Can multinationals be held accountable?
Total en Birmanie: Affaire Classée
Available languages: français -
[PDF] Oil and Human Rights
[PDF] Oil, Gas & Energy Law Intelligence [OGEL] - Special Feature on Corporate Social Responsibility
Unocal decision impacts Shell, Coca-Cola, Exxon [part of ExxonMobil] and Gap
Slavery Suit Will Go Forward [USA/Burma]
[PDF] REO Report 2nd Quarter 2004
The questions over aiding and abetting
U.S. Courts Tackle Foreign Abuses - Energy corporations question 'law of nations'
Human Rights and the Court [USA]
Human Rights Abuses Worldwide Are Held to Fall Under U.S. Courts
Supreme Court: Foreign Victims of Abuse May Sue in US
[PDF] full report: "In Our Court: ATCA, Sosa and the Triumph of Human Rights"
New limits on overseas companies' lawsuits [ATCA lawsuits in U.S. courts alleging human rights abuses by companies]
ATCA Lives!
USA: Core Principles of Alien Tort Claims Act Upheld - Foreign Victims of Human Rights Abuses Preserve Access to US Courts
States and Corporations: Legal Responsibilities to the People
Analysis: Is trying to kill the Alien Tort Claims Act digging for fool’s gold?
Rights and wrongs
Human Rights and the Oil and Gas Industry An IPIECA [Intl. Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association] Status Report, May 2004
Big Business Attacks ATCA in New York Times; ERI's Rebuttal
Recent ATCA Cases Against Corporate Defendants
Law and disorder, corporate style
Myanmar: Cheers, jeers over giant gas find
Courting Responsibility
La justice exonère Unocal, poursuivi pour violations des droits de l'homme
Available languages: français -
Judge: Unocal not liable for claims
L.A. judge to issue oral ruling on Unocal's liability in human rights case
Out of Burma: Grassroots Activism Forces Multinationals to End Ties with the Burmese Dictatorship
Judgment day - Will an obscure law bring down the global economy?
Human rights trial over Unocal project in Myanmar opens in L.A.
El grupo petrolero estadounidense Unocal, acusado de violar los derechos humanos
Available languages: español -
[PDF] Background: The Yadana Pipeline and Activist Lawsuits
[PDF] Summaries of Presentations Made at the UNRISD Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility and Development: Towards a New Agenda? 17 November 2003 - 18 November 2003 Salle XVI, Palais des Nations, Geneva
Slave Labor? Unocal is being sued in the U.S. for ignoring abuses in Burma. It's the next globalization battle
[PDF] Community redress and multinational enterprises
Un ancien dirigeant de Total Birmanie entendu par un juge français
Available languages: français -
California, New York financial chiefs pressure Unocal to pull operations from Myanmar
Multinationals and accountability
The Court of Last Resort
Unocal Penalized for Tardy Documents
U.S. Courts' role in foreign feuds comes under fire
Unocal on trial for Burma 'abuses'
[PDF] Emerging Threat: Human Rights Claims
Judge rejects Unocal attempt to avoid California law
Wrong on rights
Laws of Empire
Profits at Gunpoint
Rights Groups Overseas Fight U.S. Concerns in U.S. Courts
Plaintiffs' Representatives Confident after Unocal Hearing [in U.S. court]
Appeals court [in USA] reconsiders if Unocal can be sued for atrocities [in Burma]
Court Ponders if U.S. Firm [Unocal] Liable for Abuse Abroad
Court Is Villagers' Only Hope
Ashcroft Sides with Torturers: Unocal and the Crimes of Burma
U.S. Court To Review Unocal Myanmar Brutality Suit
A Needed Human Rights Law [USA]
White House Seeks to Curb Rights Cases From Abroad: U.S. Fears Effect On Diplomatic Ties
U.S.: Ashcroft Attacks Human Rights Law - Justice Dept. Undermining Key Precedent
U.S. Justice Department’s amicus curae brief in case of Doe v. Unocal
Oil Companies being sued
Legal case for doing the right thing
Appellate court ruling means potential trial for Unocal over Myanmar project
[PDF] Legal Issues in Corporate Citizenship
Recent court decision could further isolate Burma
Plaintiffs Win Ninth Circuit Victory over Unocal
Unocal must face trial in Myanmar human rights suit
Court Tells Unocal to Face Rights Charges
Judge Lets Unocal Ask State Dept. to Intervene in Myanmar Lawsuit
Unocal wants government to quash labour lawsuit
A Long Way to Find Justice: What Are Burmese Villagers Doing in a California Court?
Corporate Human Rights [human rights lawsuits agains multinationals in U.S. courts]
Internationally Binding Legislation and Litigation for the Enforcement of Labour Rights
‘The Party Is Over’
Bad business in Burma
U.S. firms face suits for overseas acts
Unocal to Face Suit on Human Rights
Unocal Faces Trial For Rights Abuses
Unocal Will Stand Trial Over Myanmar Venture
Judge OKs Unocal Abuse Lawsuit
Doe v. Unocal: Forced Labor and Corporate Liability [Burma]
Recent ILRF [International Labor Rights Fund] Cases to Enforce Human Rights Under the ATCA
Litigation Update: A Summary of Recent Developments in U.S. Cases Brought Under the Alien Tort Claims Act and Torture Protection Act
Unocal closer to trial over human rights violations
Burmese workers suing Unocal in Los Angeles will have their day in court
Claim Against Unocal Rejected
Liability of Multinational Corporations under International Law
View full case
Texaco/Chevron lawsuits (re Ecuador)
Netherlands: Court rejects request from Gov. of Ecuador to annul arbitral award which invalidated multibillion-dollar judgment against Chevron
The District Court of The Hague rejected a request from the Government of Ecuador to annul an arbitration award that rejected the multibillion-dollar conviction against the US oil company Chevron, for environmental damage in the Ecuadorian Amazon.
Group of legal experts form committee to monitor criminal trial against environmental lawyer who fought Chevron
Steven Donziger helped win a $9.5 billion judgment against Chevron in Ecuador in 2011. Since then, he has lost a fraud case brought against him by Chevron, has been facing criminal charges and been disbarred in New York. A committee of seven legal scholars and activists was formed to monitor alleged misconduct from judicial authorities in the US.
Steven Donziger, Lawyer Known for Multibillion-Dollar Environmental Battle With Chevron, Is Disbarred
Donziger “has been found guilty of egregious professional misconduct” in connection with the Ecuadorian environmental lawsuit he led as an attorney against Chevron, said the Appellate Division, First Department while disbarring him.
US Judge orders suspended lawyer of Ecuadorian communities accusing Chevron of pollution to pay $3.4 million to co. for contempt of court
Ecuadorian villagers end their lawsuit against Chevron in Canada
Lettre ouverte à l’Équateur concernant l’Affaire Chevron
Available languages: français -
Réponse massive de la société civile internationale à la Journée mondiale d'action #AntiChevron
Available languages: français -
Dutch Supreme Court dismisses Ecuador’s challenge of arbitration tribunal ruling preventing enforcement of a $9.5 billion judgment against Chevron
Canada: la Cour suprême rejette une demande d'Equatoriens contre Chevron
Available languages: français -
Le jugement frauduleux rendu en Équateur est inapplicable à l'encontre de la filiale canadienne de Chevron
Available languages: français -
The case of Chevron in the Ecuadorian Amazon: the ruling of the Supreme Court of Canada closes the doors to end impunity
Fraudulent Ecuadorian Judgment is Unenforceable Against Chevron’s Canadian Subsidiary
Canadian court dismisses Ecuador's $9.5 billion claim against Chevron Canada
Le combat de l’avocat des communautés dans l’affaire Texaco/Chevron pour pollution en Equateur fait l’objet d’une BD
Available languages: français -
Ecuador to clean up Amazon region areas polluted by Texaco’s oil spill
Des représentants de communautés amazoniennes victimes de la pollution de Chevron-Texaco se rendent aux Nations unies pour réclamer justice
Available languages: français -
Ontario Court of appeal restricted ability to pierce corporate veil in lawsuit by affected Ecuadorian communities against Chevron in Canada, say lawyers
Lawyer Steven Donziger files petition to Inter-American Commission on Human Rights alleging US judiciary failed to protect him against 'retaliatory' litigation by Chevron
The Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague Rules Against Ecuador, Favors Chevron
Chevron Corporation and Texaco Petroleum Corporation v. The Republic of Ecuador
Who Really Pulls the Strings - Where Does the Buck Stop?
Chevron Suffers Major 8-0 Defeat in Ecuador’s Constitutional Court Over Landmark Pollution Judgment
Top Ecuador court upholds $9 billion ruling against Chevron
An end to the enforcement saga? Yaiguaje v. Chevron Corporation and the Preservation of the Corporate Veil
Ontario court denies Indigenous Ecuadorians redress against Chevron Canada for pollution of land
Ecuadorian Villagers lose fight to have Chevron Canada pay US$9.5 billion
Yaiguaje v. Chevron Corporation, Appeal Judgement
NGOs ask Canadian court to unseal documents concerning relationship between Chevron Canada & parent co. to help Ecuadorian plaintiffs in oil pollution lawsuit
Ecuador: Indigenous groups reaffirm criticisms of US Judge Kaplan in long-standing legal dispute against Chevron over health, environmental impacts
In Canada, Chevron Trying to Block Ecuadorians From Using U.N. Declaration to Support Historic Pollution Case
On the Docket for 2018 – Ontario Court of Appeal to Address Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Chevron
Brazil’s High Court Rejects Attempt to Enforce Fraudulent Ecuadorian Judgment Against Chevron
Chevron response
Entrevista de Pablo Fajardo, representante de la Unión de Afectados de Chevron
Available languages: español -
Argentine Court Rejects Attempt to Enforce Fraudulent Ecuadorian Judgment Against Chevron
Ontario Court of Appeal Overturns Security for Costs Order in Yaiguaje v. Chevron Corporation
Available languages: español -
Affected communities abandon court action in Brazil to enforce Ecuadorian judgment against Chevron over pollution
Ecuadorian people affected by Chevron’s oil pollution continue to seek justice in other countries after US Supreme Court decision
Pollution en Equateur: victoire de Chevron à la Cour suprême américaine
Available languages: français -
U.S. Supreme Court Makes “Grave Mistake” in Refusing to Hear Chevron's $12 Billion Pollution Liability in Ecuador
U.S. top court hands Chevron victory in Ecuador pollution case
United States Supreme Court Denies Petition for Review by Lawyer Behind Fraudulent Ecuador Lawsuit
Supreme Court May Weigh Big Weapon for U.S. Companies Sued Abroad
Yaiguaje v. Chevron Corporation – The Enforcement Saga Continues
Brief for Amici Curiae Amazon Watch and Rainforest Action Network in Support of Petitioners
Brief of International Law Professors as Amici Curiae in Support of Petitioners
Brief for the Republic of Ecuador as Amicus Curiae in Support of the Petition for Certiorari
Brief of Friends of The Earth and 14 Other Non-Profit Organizations as Amici Curiae in Support of Petitioners
Civil Society Groups Ask U.S. Supreme Court To Reject Chevron's Attempts to Suppress Free Speech and Undermine Historic Amazon Pollution Case
Donziger Asks High Court To Weigh In On Chevron Judgment [subscription required]
Commentary: Canadian companies are increasingly at risk from lawsuits over human rights abuses of foreign subsidiaries
Petition for a Writ of Certiorari
Ecuadorian plaintiffs in lawsuit against Chevron over oil pollution plan to appeal in Canadian court
Interview: Lawyer for Ecuadorian community in lawsuit against Chevron over oil pollution explains Canadian court's ruling & next steps
Commentary: Canadian judgment on Chevron oil pollution lawsuit was mix of good & bad for Ecuadorian community
Chevron case is textbook application of Canadian corporate law
Chevron Slams Canadian Backdoor in $9.5 Billion Pollution Fight
Canadian court rules that Ecuadorian judgement cannot be enforced against Canadian subsidiary in Chevron oil pollution lawsuit
Yaiguaje v. Chevron Corporation - Judgement
[PDF] The Third Pillar: Access to Judicial Remedies for Human Rights Violations by Transnational Business
US court denies victims' rehearing over decision in favour of Chevron in lawsuit for environmental pollution in Ecuador
Lawyer requests rehearing in US over decision in Chevron oil pollution in Ecuador lawsuit
In Canada Trial, Chevron Fighting Desperately to Hide Embarrassing Information From Public
Epic court battle between Ecuadorian villagers and Chevron moves to Canada
Commentary: US court denial of Ecuadorian judgment could be persuasive in Canadian lawsuit
Pollution : nouvelle victoire de Chevron dans la saga judiciaire qui l’oppose à l’Équateur
Available languages: français -
Chevron Corp. v. Donziger, United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
Chevron’s Pollution Victory Opens Door for Companies to Shirk Foreign Verdicts
2nd Circuit Shields Chevron From $9.5B Verdict
Chevron Ruling Blocks $8.6 Billion Order in Ecuador Fight
Appeals Court Upholds Sanctions Against Donziger Over $9.5 Billion Chevron Judgment
Amazon Watch Response to Decision to Uphold Flawed Chevron Retaliatory Lawsuit
Pollution en Equateur: Chevron gagne une importante manche judiciaire
Available languages: français -
Ecuador pays Chevron arbitration court award of $112 million over dispute related to development of oil fields
Chevron Shareholders Still Wary of Risks From $11 Billion Ecuador Judgment
The Ends Do Not Justify The Means
"The New Corporate Playbook" for how business fights environmentalists - Katie Redford of EarthRights
U.S. top court rejects Ecuador challenge to Chevron arbitration award
Canadian courts review series of claims filed against Canadian mining companies for human rights abuses abroad
Ecuador to Appeal Ruling by The Hague in Chevron Pollution Case
Chevron Held Not Accountable for Massive Pollution in Ecuador
This Epic Environmental Lawsuit Just Got a Bit More Complicated
Latest twist in Chevron-Ecuador fight focuses on key witness
What you Think you Know About Chevron and Steven Donziger is Wrong
Chevron’s "star" witness admits to lying in US lawsuit over company’s oil pollution in Ecuador
New documents show intl. arbitration panel visited Ecuador to inspect evidence of oil pollution by Chevron
Le Président équatorien appelle à la mise en place d'un traité sanctionnant les entreprises multinationales ne respectant pas les droits de l’homme
Available languages: français -
Lawyer for Ecuadorian victims of Chevron oil pollution calls Canadian Supreme Court decision to hear the case "a great triumph”
Canadian Supreme Court sets precedent in allowing plaintiffs to seek enforcement of Ecuadorian oil pollution judgement against Chevron in Canada
Le Canada ouvre ses tribunaux aux victimes équatoriennes de Chevron
Available languages: français -
Chevron Corp. v. Yaiguaje
Des Équatoriens pourront poursuivre Chevron en Ontario, tranche la Cour suprême
Available languages: français -
Chevron Corporation c. Yaiguaje
Available languages: français -
Ecuadorians can sue Chevron in Canada, Supreme Court rules
US court rules in favour of Chevron in arbitration dispute; Ecuadorian Govt. to pay compensation
Ecuador: Corte de Estados Unidos falla a favor de Chevron y ordena al estado ecuatoriano a indemnizar a la empresa
Available languages: español -
The Global Lawyer: Will Chevron Lose in the Second Circuit?
The Global Lawyer: Back to the Future for Chevron in Ecuador
Analysis by Lindsay Ofrias on the Chevron vs Ecuador lawsuits
The Case That Could Redefine Mass Litigation Over Oil Spills, Work Hazards
U.S. court hears Chevron's fraud claims in $9.5 billion Ecuador dispute
New guide for funders: "Advancing human rights accountability for economic actors"
Ecuador lands a victory in Chevron's Hague challenge
Decision on Track 1B (Chevron & Texaco v. Ecuador) PCA Case No. 2009-23
Litigator Funder Who Helped Underwrite Ecuador Case Settles with Chevron
Chevron rejects proposal that damages owed by Ecuador be used to compensate oil pollution victims
Boletín Trimestral de Responsabilidad Legal Empresarial - No. 15, diciembre 2014
Available languages: español -
Bulletin trimestriel sur la responsabilité juridique des entreprises - numéro 15, décembre 2014
Available languages: français -
Lawyers for Ecuadorian villagers to ask Canadian court to enforce US$9.5 billion Ecuadorian judgement against Chevron over oil pollution
[PDF] Ecuadorian claim before the International Criminal Court to investigate Chevron's CEO
Ecuadoreans Take Chevron To International Criminal Court [Subscription required]
The Global Lawyer: A Wild 'Off Week' in the Chevron Ecuador Case
Dutch court upholds result of arbitration proceedings between Chevron & Ecuador, confirms judgement against Ecuador for $106 million; includes company statement
Ecuadoreans Plan to Seize $106M in Chevron Assets
Canadian Bar Association feels backlash over Chevron intervention
Chevron sues another funder of Ecuadorian litigation
Chevron racism toward Ecuador highlighted by court decision in BP case
Equateur : Le gouvernement accuse Chevron de pollution sur 5 millions de mètres cubes de terre avec des conséquences sanitaires sur les peuples autochtones ; l’entreprise rejette les accusations
Available languages: français -
Chevron Shareholders’ $55 Billion Dollar Answer [Ecuador]
Patton Boggs firm defends role reversal in Chevron pollution case [USA/Ecuador]
Rainforest Villagers Exploring Legal Action to Nullify Settlement Between Patton Boggs and Chevron [USA/Ecuador]
Chevron wins a round in U.S. suit against lawyer in Ecuador case [USA]
Canada high court to hear Chevron in $9.1 billion Ecuador lawsuit
El magistrado Kaplan falla a favor de Chevron [Ecuador]
Available languages: español -
Access to Justice and Extractive Industries (UK)
Chevron Swats at Motion to Dismiss From Donziger [USA]
Empresas y derechos humanos: temas pendientes en el debate internacional
Available languages: español -
Chevron’s Response to the Lago Agrio Plaintiffs’ Continued Pressure Campaign Regarding the Fraudulent $9.5 Billion Ecuadorian Judgment
The Hague tribunal reschedules Chevron, Ecuador arbitration claim hearing
[PDF] Between activism and science: grassroots concepts for sustainability coined by Environmental Justice Organizations
Communication. Situation in Ecuador
Chevron appeals to top Ecuador court in pollution case
[PDF] Corporate Legal Accountability Quarterly Bulletin – Issue 11, December 2013
Prominent Organizations Publicly Condemn Chevron's Actions in Ecuador Case
Ontario Court Allows Chevron Suit to Continue [Canada/Ecuador]
U.S. trial ends over Ecuador pollution judgment against Chevron
EJOLT workshop in Italy (Nov 2013)
Pablo Fajardo joins EJOLT in Rome Legal workshop on the Chevron Texaco case (Italy/ Ecuador)
Chevron ordered to pay Ecuador $9.51 bn on appeal
Procurador de Ecuador revela caso de espionaje a Rafael Correa
Available languages: español -
Chevron Witness Presents Fat Target
Ecuadorian Victims' Struggle for Justice Against Chevron
Ecuador plaintiffs suffer setback in Chevron case
The Amazon Post
Damning Testimony in Chevron Case Attacked
EJOLT unites leading legal experts and Environmental Justice activists in Rome
Chevron v. Donziger: A Dickensian Cheat Sheet
Kaplan to Decide Chevron's Charges Against Donziger
[PDF] Digging deep corporate liability
Chevron Seeks to Avoid Jury Trial for Its Ecuador Suit
Chevron wins major arbitration victory
[PDF] Corporate Legal Accountability Quarterly Bulletin – Issue 10, Sep 2013
[PDF] Empresas y Derechos Humanos en América Latina y el Caribe - Panorama sobre los acontecimientos más recientes
Available languages: español -
[PDF] Business & human rights in Latin America & the Caribbean – A round-up of recent developments
Foro: Derechos Humanos y Empresas – Comisión de Derechos Humanos del Distrito Federal (Ciudad de México, 1 y 2 de agosto de 2013)
Available languages: español -
[PDF] Conference Programme: “Bridging the Gap between International Investment Law and the Environment”
Allegations of lack of judicial integrity in Texaco/Chevron lawsuits (re Ecuador) - plaintiffs' lawyers respond
Federal judge says Donziger not entitled to damages in Chevron RICO case
Multisectorial contra el fracking: Declaración ante el acuerdo Chevron-YPF para explotar Vaca Muerta [Argentina]
Available languages: español -
Judge: Chevron can access its critics' private user information
When Corporate Defendants Go on Offense [Subscription required]
Demandantes de Chevron logran pago de 100 millones [Ecuador]
Available languages: español -
How Patton Boggs got mired in an epic legal battle with Chevron over jungle oil pits
La Corte Suprema Argentina sentó jurisprudencia contra los pueblos latinoamericanos [Argentina, Ecuador]
Available languages: español -
[PDF] Corporate Legal Accountability Quarterly Bulletin – Issue 9, June 2013
Argentina’s Supreme Court unfreezes Chevron assets
Chevron touts strong year, skeptics question company's environmental record
[PDF] Access to justice and corporate complicity in human rights abuses
[video] Dyncorp’s ‘strategic’ defense in drug crop spraying suit [Colombia & Ecuador]
Plaintiffs' Lawyers Jump Ship in Pollution Fight Against Chevron
Canadian judge dismisses lawsuit against Chevron
Chevron grills U.S. lawyer in $19 billion Ecuador pollution case
Chevron says Ecuador environmental claims now in question
Lawyer Denies Court Payoffs in Chevron Pollution Case [USA]
Chevron did not respond to: Chevron has allegedly spied on Ecuador, is employing large legal team to avoid paying $1.9 billion in Ecuadorian oil pollution lawsuit.
Judge rejects Chevron subpoena of advocacy group in Ecuador case [USA]
Patton Boggs can't sit on docs in Chevron RICO case [USA]
Feds side with Chevron vs. activist shareholders [USA]
Chevron in Ecuador: U.S. Oil Company Spies on Latin American Country to Escape Multi-Billion Court Judgment
Chevron Threatens To Stop Exploration Deal With Argentina Oil Company YPF After Its Assets Were Frozen
Chevron battles activist shareholders [USA]
Ecuadorians suing Chevron want Second Circuit to dismiss judge from case
Citas en Ecuador para tratar reformas al Sistema de Derechos Humanos y defenderse de ataques de transnacionales
Available languages: español -
Ecuadorian plaintiffs say Chevron withdrawing ‘sham’ litigation claim; company denies move
Chevron's Goose to Face a Gander by Ecuador
Tribunal: Ecuador failed to prevent enforcement of judgment against Chevron
[PDF] Corporate Legal Accountability Bulletin - Issue 8
Chevron tiene mucha plata invertida en un ex juez [Ecuador]
Available languages: español -
Chevron loses environment case appeal [Argentina]
Former Ecuador judge on Chevron case says plaintiffs bribed court
Chevron Sues Its Own Shareholders In Ecuador Compensation Battle
Chevron Subpoenas in Ecuador Suit Challenged in Court
External Affairs: A Battle Brews Between Chevron and Shareholders
Corporations’ complicity in human rights abuses [Indonesia]
[PDF] Transnational Dispute Management: Aligning Human Rights and Investment Protection
Chevron Aims at an Activist Shareholder
Canadian judge skeptical about hearing $19-billion Ecuador lawsuit case
Ecuadorans ask Ontario court for $18.3 billion claim against Chevron
Chevron accuses NY State comptroller of ethics breach
Argentine judge embargoes $19 bln Chevron assets
Ecuadoreans to sue Chevron in Argentina over pollution
[PDF] Corporate Legal Accountability Quarterly Bulletin - Issue 7
Privacy Group Enters Chevron's Amazon Fray
El caso Sarayaku [video]
Available languages: español -
[PDF] The Business and Human Rights Review - Autumn 2012 - Issue 1
Ecuador court deals Chevron fresh blow in pollution case
Chevron Fails to Squelch $19 Billion Ecuador Verdict
Chevron seeks e-mail logs in Ecuador suit
Chevron responde a Ecuador y asegura que no cumple leyes internacionales
Available languages: español -
Chevron resists Ecuadorean judgment
Chevron Faces Midnight Deadline in $19 Billion Ecuador Judgment
Chevron's Ecuador Pollution Arbitration To Stretch Into 2014
Chevron Must Prove Ecuador Fraud Claims
Sáenz: Chevron deberá responder en Canadá y Brasil a nuestras legítimas demandas [Ecuador]
Available languages: español -
Ecuador plaintiffs target Chevron's assets in Brazil
[PDF] Legal avenues for EJOs to claim environmental liability - EJOLT Report No. 4
Ecuador plaintiffs file lawsuit in Canada against Chevron
Chevron seeks bank records in Ecuador environmental suit
Ecuadorian panel again squashes Chevron motion to block judgment
Chevron executives barred from leaving Brazil over spill
Ecuador plaintiffs eye Chevron assets in Venezuela, Panama [Ecuador]
Arbitrators say they can hear Chevron-Ecuador case
The Global Lawyer: Treaty Arbitration Clashes with Human Rights (or at least with Ecuador's Courts)
Un Tribunal de Ecuador rechaza impedir el fallo contra la petrolera Chevron
Available languages: español -
Ecuadorian court rejects Chevron's request for bond waiver
Panel reinforces Ecuador award halt in Chevron case
[DOC] Perfil de las demandas judiciales contra la empresa Texaco/Chevron por contaminación ambiental con afectaciones en la salud humana en Ecuador
Available languages: español -
Ecuadoreans Blast 'Secret' Hague Tribunal Convened for Chevron
Ecuadoreans call for U.S. help in Chevron arbitration
Circuit Faults Use of State Law to Block Chevron Judgment [USA]
Articles raise concerns about Chevron’s approach to environmental pollution trial in Ecuador – Chevron responds
Ecuador Update: One Door Shuts, Another Opens, and Chevron Lists Its Law Firms—All 39 of Them
Chevron Appeals Ruling In Ecuadorian Court
Entrevista a Pablo Fajardo Caso Chevron: Las empresas ya no son intocables [Ecuador]
Available languages: español -
So much for Plan B: Kaplan denies Chevron attachment motion
Chevron to fight Ecuador ruling
Why Chevron Will Settle in Ecuador
Chevron Bid to Dismiss $18 Billion Judgment Rejected in Ecuador
[PDF] Juez ponente: Dr. Milton Toral Zevallos - Corte provincial de justicia de Sucumbíos [en el juicio contra Chevron en Ecuador]
Available languages: español -
[PDF] "La responsabilidad de las empresas multinacionales por violaciones de los derechos humanos: práctica reciente"
Available languages: español -
Chevron Texaco intentaría financiar la iniciativa Yasuní a cambio de la anulación de juicio [Ecuador]
Available languages: español -
Petroecuador: To Spend $70 Million Cleaning Amazon Jungle Oil Pollution
Chevron, Transocean in $11 billion Brazil oil suit
Federal Judge Sanctions Chevron Lawyers at Gibson Dunn for Harassing Witness in Ecuador Case
Chevron Takes Offensive Again After Appellate Defeat
War-Gaming the Chevron Battle to End All Battles
Chevron may rethink Ecuador strategy after US court move on Shell: analyst
Authentic leadership: The Lawyer’s Role in Corporate Social Responsibility, Business and Human Rights
What Chevron Owes the People of Lago Agrio [Ecuador]
Chevron Lobbying Efforts Revealed by Leaked Cables [Ecuador]
[PDF] Business and Human Rights Revitalized: A New UN Framework Meets Texaco in the Amazon
U.S. court rules against Chevron in Ecuador case
Ecuador close to gaining $9.5 billion from Chevron
Despite Old Ruling, Chevron Cleared to Challenge Ecuadorean Courts [USA]
[PDF] Aportes DPLF - Empresas y derechos humanos: una relación compleja
Available languages: español -
Chevron Wins Ecuador Case
Ecuadoreans May Face Sanction in Chevron Case [USA]
[DOC] Money Valuation in a forensic context
El hombre que humilló a Chevron [Ecuador]
Available languages: español -
Chevron Looks to Arbitrators to Save It From $18B Pollution Payout
Demandantes de Chevron protestan ante la junta de accionistas
Available languages: español -
DiNapoli to Chevron: Resolve Amazon Lawsuit
Chevron's Disclosures to Investors on Risks Associated with Ecuador are Questioned
Ecuadoreans win round in drawn-out Chevron battle
Attorneys Spar Over Impact of Injunction in Chevron Case
U.S. judge in Chevron-Ecuador case won't recuse self
Chevron Scrubs Lawsuit to Block Ecuador Award
Ecuadoreans Must Defend $18B Award at Nov. Trial
Chevron's environmental oil case turns into duel in the Amazon
Key Documents & Court Filings from Aguinda Legal Team [Claimants' legal team]
Slow but Thorough: Chevron’s Ecuadorean Battle Gets New Judges
Chevron Vaults Hurdle to Arbitrate Ecuador 'Fraud'
Chevron Appeals to Proceed in Ecuador
Chevron appeals against Ecuador Amazon pollution fine
Chevron Wins Bid to Extend Order Blocking Ecuador Judgment
Amazon Defense Coalition: Court Affidavit Exposes 18 Years of Chevron's Unethical Conduct in $9.5 Billion Ecuador Lawsuit
An $8 billion decision against Chevron – what does it mean?
[PDF] Tort litigation against multinationals (“MNCs”) for violation of human rights: an overview of the position outside the US
Chevron v. Ecuador: Will the Plaintiffs Get Paid?
Chevron Judge Delays Issuing Order in Ecuador Case
Ecuador plaintiffs appeal Chevron damages award
Chevron fined $9.5 billion in Ecuador
Chevron notches key win in Ecuador pollution fight
Federal Judge Blocks Enforcement of Likely Judgment Against Chevron
Law firm fires back at Chevron in Ecuador case
Chevron files RICO suit in Ecuador case
Chevron and Ecuador: Truth proves slippery for journalists
Judging Chevron in Ecuador on the Evidence
Chevron tries to use foe's words against them
Chevron in Ecuador — More of the Tapes the Plaintiffs Don't Want You to See
Chevron Attempts to Repair Tarnished Image with ‘We Agree’ Ad Campaign
Ecuador: Judge Overturns Order To End Evidence Period
Ecuador judge hearing Chevron case changed again
Year 18 of Ecuador vs. Chevron Pollution Dispute
Courts Allow Chevron to Subpoena Consultants [US]
Evidence of fraud mounts in Ecuadorian suit against Chevron
Chevron keeps up pressure in Ecuador suit
Corporate Accountability, Human Rights and Pursuing Justice in the Ecuadorian Amazon: Attorney Pablo Fajardo’s Perspective on Aguinda v. Chevron
[PDF] Empresas transnacionales en el banco de los acusados: Violaciones a los derechos humanos y las posibilidades de responsabilización
Available languages: español -
Director wary of Chevron claims in Ecuador
Chevron: Outtakes prove collusion with expert
A Spy in the Jungle [Ecuador]
Filmmaker Wins Stay in Case Against Chevron
[PDF] The Lasting Stain of Oil - Cautionary Tales and Lessons from the Amazon
[PDF] Think globally, sue locally: Out-of-court tactics employed by plaintiffs, their lawyers, and their advocates in transnational tort cases
Chevron asks Ecuador court to dismiss key expert
Judge Guts Chevron's Malicious Prosecution Suit Against Lawyer
Chevron wants unused film on Ecuador dispute
How 60 Minutes Missed on Chevron
Denuncian que Chevron pagó por vídeos en los que se acusa de fraude a Ecuador
Available languages: español -
Chevron dice que ganó arbitraje a Ecuador
Available languages: español -
Chevron wins an Ecuador claim, awaits major ruling
Ecuadoreans appeal allowing of Chevron arbitration
U.S. judge rules for Chevron in Ecuador case
Oxfam demande des contrats justes, la transparence et la bonne gouvernance pour lever la «malédiction des ressources»
Available languages: français -
Chevron Says Conflict Taints Amazon Pollution Report [Ecuador]
Chevron pide se desestime petición de Ecuador para parar demanda en La Haya
Available languages: español -
[audio] Globalising justice
[DOC] [Response to critique by plaintiffs' lawyers of Silvia Garrigo's statements on CNN]
Texaco blamed for ruining land & killing people
Ecuadorean Court Replaces Judge in Multibillion-Dollar Chevron Case
Chevron goes all-in against Ecuador; New claim reflects latest BIT usage
Ecuador Judge Told by Court to Stay on Chevron Case
Chevron takes Ecuador fight to trade arbitrators
Under Pressure, Ecuadorean Judge Steps Aside in Suit Against Chevron
Juez del caso Chevron denuncia una "trampa" en las acusaciones de soborno [Ecuador]
Available languages: español -
Chevron Accused of Nixon-style Dirty Tricks Operation in Ecuador
Chevron steps up Ecuador legal fight
Fiscalía y Procuraduría Ecuador ven denuncia Chevron
Available languages: español -
Tapes Show Judicial Misconduct, Chevron Says
Statement of Amazon Defense Coalition Over Allegations by Chevron In $27B Ecuador Environmental Case
Videos Reveal Serious Judicial Misconduct and Political Influence in Ecuador Lawsuit
Big Penalties Loom for Chevron in Ecuador
Chevron Suffers Further Setbacks in $27 Billion Ecuador Environmental Trial
Chevron Expects to Fight Ecuador Lawsuit in US
Chevron's Ecuador Legal Battle Might Take Years More
Supreme Court rejects Chevron appeal on Ecuador [USA]
US senators seek Chevron/Ecuador trial without US meddling
Shell settles human rights suit for $15.5M
Lawsuits target oil company operations overseas
Pointed exchanges at Chevron annual meeting [USA]
Chevron expected to come under fire over lawsuit in Ecuador
Charles James [Chevron Corp.'s top lawyer] defends Chevron around the world
[DOC] Letter to The Economist
Ecuador, Chevron and pollution - Justice or extortion?
[video & transcript] Amazon Crude - Scott Pelley Reports On A Multi-Billion Dollar Lawsuit Over Oil Drilling Pollution [Ecuador]
In Ecuador, High Stakes in Case Against Chevron
Chevron shareholders to vote on environmental report
Pension Funds Fret as Chevron Faces Ecuador Ruling
Indígenas de Ecuador piden a AI y CIDH vigilar fase final de juicio a Texaco
Available languages: español -
Court-Ordered Inspections Conclude In Ecuador Chevron Case
La inspección judicial en caso Texaco finalizó [Ecuador]
Available languages: español -
Plaintiffs Want Judge To Rule In Chevron Case [Ecuador]
Chevron urges U.S. to revoke Ecuador trade
[film] Crude
Texaco Toxic Past Haunts Chevron as Judgment Looms [Ecuador]
Supuesto daño ambiental de Texaco en Ecuador sube a 27.000 millones dólares
Available languages: español -
Chevron Estimate for Amazon Damages Rises by $11 Billion
Ecuador keeps up oil cleanup fight against Chevron
[PDF] Business & Human Rights Resource Centre launches world’s first online portal profiling human rights lawsuits against companies
Un tribunal de apelaciones de EE.UU. rechaza el recurso de Chevron Texaco
Available languages: español -
Chevron can't arbitrate Ecuador liability-US court
Open Wounds - Big Oil and Big Mining face a host of allegations that they helped commit human rights abuses
FDA: acusación penal a los abogados de Chevron se basa en pruebas cientificas [Ecuador]
Available languages: español -
Two Chevron Lawyers Indicted in Ecuador
Chevron condena el ataque a sus abogados en el Ecuador - La repetida interferencia política en el juicio ambiental, lo ha tornado en una 'farsa judicial'
Available languages: español -
[DOC] Response by Chevron
Equateur : l’or noir coûte cher à Chevron Texaco
Available languages: français -
El último premio Goldman exige la reparación de los daños que Texaco ocasionó en el Amazonas [Ecuador]
Available languages: español -
[PDF] Chevron Lobbyist Reveals Imperialist Corporate Attitude
Ecuador President Suggests Mediation Possible In Chevron Case
Statement Responding to the Government of Ecuador's Offer to Mediate in Ongoing Trial
Amazonian Chernobyl - Ecuador's oil environment disaster
Response by Chevron: Chevron responds to Newsweek article on lobbying US Govt. to cut Ecuador trade preferences over toxic waste lawsuit.
Chevron Lobbies White House to Pressure Ecuador to Stop $12 Billion Amazon Pollution Lawsuit
In Effort to Escape Liability for Toxic Pollution in Amazon, Oil Giant Chevron Lobbies Bush Administration to Punish Ecuador
[PDF] Chevron reply to Newsweek article regarding Ecuador lawsuit
El juicio a la Chevron salpica a Obama
Available languages: español -
A $16 Billion Problem
Chevron CEO slams critics at meeting [USA]
"Systemic" Human Rights Abuses Dominate Chevron Annual General Meeting, Casting Shadow over CEO and Record Profits
Chevron profits shadowed by human rights complaints
Watchdog group says Chevron complicit in Myanmar
Demandantes del juicio contra Texaco fueron premiados en Estados Unidos
Available languages: español -
Chevron Officials Contest Choice of Goldman Environmental Prize Recipients
Activist Lawyers Win Award Following Chevron Suit
$16 billion environmental lawsuit tests Chevron
Court Expert Hits Chevron with up to $16 Billion in Damages for Polluting Indigenous Lands in Amazon
Chevron Cites Bias and Improper Collaboration in Rejecting Conclusions of Report Submitted to Ecuadorian Court
Expert asks Ecuador court to fine Chevron $7-$16 bln
The global litigation lottery - Commentary: Cross border legal battles are increasing business risk
Chevron Expects To Defeat Ecuador In Amazon Cleanup Litigation
SEC Complaint Lodged Against Chevron for Hiding $10 Billion Liability in Ecuador
[PDF] Response to Amazon Watch regarding petition to US Securities & Exchange Commission
[PDF] Letter to US Securities & Exchange Commission re Chevron's potential liability in Ecuador litigation
City of Berkeley Votes to Boycott Chevron [USA]
Tribute gala honors CNN Heroes
[video] Smits honors Pablo Fajardo
Don't Be Dubbed a Human Rights Abuser
Chevron seeks dismissal of Ecuador lawsuit
Chevron Calls for Dismissal of Ecuador Lawsuit
Chevron: Ecuador Tests Flawed
Chevron lawyer blasts Ecuador judge for legal 'obstacles' in pollution suit
Chevron Using Unethical Tactics to Avoid Judgment In $10 Billion Rainforest Trial, Coalition to Defend the Amazon Says [Ecuador]
Suing Multinationals Over Murder [USA]
Chevron says victim of unfair trial in Ecuador
US Court Stops Chevron Arbitration Vs State-Owned Petroecuador
Amazon toxic waste case may set a legal precedent
[DOC] Response by Occidental Petroleum to concerns raised about environmental & health impacts in Peru
Oil company accused of dumping waste in Amazon [Peru]
Jungle Law [Chevron Lawsuit in Ecuador]
Update from Chevron's Annual Shareholder Meeting
Ecuador acusa 'barbaridad ambiental' ChevronTexaco
Available languages: español -
Ecuador president rails against Chevron for alleged environmental damage
Ecuador president backs plaintiffs in Chevron contamination suit
Ecuador Court Speeds Up Chevron’s $6 Billion Amazon Trial Over Rainforest Contamination
Chevron Faces More Scrutiny in Ecuador over Pollution
[PDF] Informe sobre la situación de las personas y pueblos afectados por las actividades mineras y petroleras en el Ecuador
Available languages: español -
Chevron: No Settlement in Ecuador Suit
Ecuador seeks Chevron probe; U.S. officials asked to look at rain forest contamination claim
Amazon Defense Front Keeps Up the Pressure in Texaco Case
Pulso entre demandantes y Texaco por inspección de zona contaminada [Ecuador]
Available languages: español -
Mother Who Testified About Toxic Pollution in Chevron Rainforest Trial Dies of Cancer [Ecuador]
Mujer Que Testificó Sobre la Contaminación Tóxica en la Selva Amazónica Muere con Cáncer [Ecuador]
Available languages: español -
Ecuadorians Seek Chevron Ruling
Ecuadoreans suing Chevron ask judge to make ruling on contamination lawsuit
Aministia Internacional USA denuncia la coacción que sufre la comunidad indígena de Ecuador por parte de Chevron
Available languages: español -
Embattled Chevron Executive to Be Put Under Oath Today In $6 Billion Rainforest Lawsuit
Jungle Warfare
Denuncian nueva intimidación en caso Texaco en Ecuador
Available languages: español -
Ecuador Court, in blow to Chevron, eliminates 64 judicial inspections in Rainforest Trial
La Chevron asegura no ser ‘genocida’
Available languages: español -
Evidence from Two Years of Judicial Site Inspections Shows No Significant Health Risk from Oil in Areas Remediated by Texaco Petroleum Company [Ecuador]
Chevron Faces Fraud Charges In Ecuador Over Toxic Dumping In Amazon Rainforest
Chevron Responds to Allegations of Fraud: "Absolutely No Merit"
[PDF] Win or Lose in Court
Ecuador - International Commission of Jurists Condemns Harassment of Lawyers involved in Case Against US Oil Company
Ecuador - Comisión Internacional de Juristas Condena Acoso contra Abogados en Demanda contra Petrolera Estadounidense
Available languages: español -
Ecuador: Further information on fear for safety
Nueve ecuatorianos demandan a Texaco
Available languages: español -
Two Ecuadoreans plan to voice concerns at Chevron meeting
With Enron as Backdrop, Chevron Faces Mounting Corporate Governance Problems of Its Own, Amazon Watch Warns
Chevron fights rights abuse allegations
Oil and Cancer in Ecuador
Afectados de petrolera piden protección [Ecuador]
Available languages: español -
Chevron niega amenazas a abogados de indígenas [Ecuador]
Available languages: español -
Threats Alleged in Suit Against Chevron
Amazon Watch Says Chevron Hiding Massive Liability in Ecuador - Amazon Watch Letter to Chevron Charges 'Cover Up' of Rainforest Disaster
Amazon Watch Letter to Chevron CEO: Live Up to Corporate Responsibility Rhetoric
Amazon Indians say Texaco left damage
Chevron sees few faults in new report
Ecuador Action Update - Report following the ChevronTexaco Annual Shareholder Meeting
Environmental proposals get cold shoulder
Environmentalists to challenge oil giant: 2 resolutions address ChevronTexaco's role in Ecuador, Arctic
Outrage Over Chevron CEO's Conduct At Shareholder Meeting
ChevronTexaco critics band together
ChevronTexaco Statement on "" Report on Ecuador Environmental Litigation
Ecuadorian Attorney General Tells ChevronTexaco Shareholders Remediation Agreement May Be Invalid
Asphalt Jungle: Did Oil Drilling by Texaco Create Environmental and Social Harm in Ecuador?
Oil Spread Upon the Waters of Ecuador May Return Harm for ChevronTexaco Shareholders
[PDF] Business befriends human rights
Your Board's Recommendation Against the Proposal to Report on Ecuador [scroll down to pg. 45]
Las multinacionales y los derechos humanos
Available languages: español -
Ecuador tribes vow to fight oil threat
Ecuador – Oil Rights or Human Rights?
Ecuador – ¿Derechos Petroleros o Derechos Humanos?
Available languages: español -
[PDF] The Changing Landscape of Liability - A Director’s Guide to Trends in Corporate Environmental, Social and Economic Liability
[PDF] Oil and Human Rights
[PDF] Oil, Gas & Energy Law Intelligence [OGEL] - Special Feature on Corporate Social Responsibility
Update on ChevronTexaco Trial and Inspections: Phase II of ChevronTexaco’s “Rainforest Chernobyl” Trial is Underway [Ecuador]
Ecuador Judicial Site Inspections
U.S. Courts Tackle Foreign Abuses - Energy corporations question 'law of nations'
[Reading list for "Human Rights in the Marketplace" course]
[PDF] full report: "In Our Court: ATCA, Sosa and the Triumph of Human Rights"
[DOC] From Talk to Walk: The Emergence of Human Rights Responsibilities for Corporations at International Law
ChevronTexaco Files Claim on Ex-Partner
States and Corporations: Legal Responsibilities to the People
Analysis: Is trying to kill the Alien Tort Claims Act digging for fool’s gold?
Environmental Rights Enforcement in U.S. Courts
ChevronTexaco Investors Travel to Ecuador for Fact-Finding Mission about the Corporation’s Controversial Oil Operations
Recent ATCA Cases Against Corporate Defendants
Fighting Goliath: Ecuadoreans seek billions from ChevronTexaco in a widely watched environmental justice case
Indígenas y petroleras pugnan en Amazonía ecuatoriana
Available languages: español -
Ecuador: Texaco Leaves Trail of Destruction
[PDF] Community redress and multinational enterprises
Un médico mostró los daños de Chevron-Texaco [Ecuador]
Available languages: español -
Damage costs raised in Chevron case [Ecuador]
Oil major forced to answer Amazon charge of damaging the environment [Ecuador]
Ecuador Lawsuit Could Lead to Clamp-down on Multinationals
Texaco Goes on Trial in Ecuador Pollution Case
Más denuncias contra la Texaco salen a la luz...[Ecuador]
Available languages: español -
La compañía [ChevronTexaco] dice que no hay pruebas suficientes [Ecuador]
Available languages: español -
Texaco faces $1bn lawsuit [Ecuador]
Etapa de prueba en el juicio contra la Texaco [Ecuador]
Available languages: español -
Ecuadorans put Chevron on trial - Company accused in class-action lawsuit of despoiling Amazon region with crude
ChevronTexaco 2002 Corporate Responsibility Report: Site Map
Ecuador: Petróleo, indígenas y medio ambiente - Prospera demanda contra ChevronTexaco
Available languages: español -
Ecuador: Oil, indigenous peoples and the environment - Lawsuit filed against ChevronTexaco
Aguinda v. Texaco, Jota v. Texaco: Questions & Answers
Statement by Hildebrando Velez (CENSAT AGUA VIVA, Friends of the Earth Colombia) for the Launch of the "Principles for Global Corporate Responsibility: Bench Marks for Measuring Business Performance"
Ecuadorean Indians sue Texaco
Suit Says ChevronTexaco Dumped Poisons in Ecuador
U.S. lawyers take US$1 billion lawsuit against ChevronTexaco to Ecuador
Case in Ecuador Viewed As Key Pollution Fight - U.S. Legal Team Suing ChevronTexaco
Indigenous Struggle in Ecuador Becomes a "Cause Beyond Control" - Transnational Oil Companies Free to Leave Amazon
Oil and Human Rights - Environmental and Human Rights Impacts of the ONG Industry [oil & natural gas industry]
[PDF] Judging Corporate Accountability in theGlobal Economy
Amazon Indians lose appeal of Texaco case ruling
Un pipe-line sème maladies et pollutions en Amazonie
Available languages: français -
Corporate Human Rights [human rights lawsuits agains multinationals in U.S. courts]
U.S. firms face suits for overseas acts
Instancia decisiva en litigio con la Texaco [Ecuador]
Available languages: español -
Ecuador Amazon Indians appeal Texaco-case ruling
Rainforest Indians [from Ecuador] in New York for major showdown with Chevron-Texaco
Ecuador hopes for settlement in ChevronTexaco case
Miles de indígenas afectados: El cáncer del petróleo [Ecuador]
Available languages: español -
TC define caso Texaco [Ecuador]
Available languages: español -
Legal Issues: The Right to Consultation and the Texaco Lawsuit
Litigation Update: A Summary of Recent Developments in U.S. Cases Brought Under the Alien Tort Claims Act and Torture Protection Act
Caution Issued to Chevron Shareholders: New Ad Campaign Warns Chevron That It Must Pay Billions For Texaco's Dumping In Amazon Rainforest
Texaco to Put Pollution Devices Back on Its Wells [USA]
Judge dismisses Indians suits against Texaco
Chevron's Board Urged to Disclose Texaco's Liabilities in the Ecuadorian Amazon in the Merger Proceedings
SOUTH AFRICA: Chevron and Texaco Accused of Polluting City
Defending the Amazon [Ecuador]
Liability of Multinational Corporations under International Law
Texaco announces settlement in class action lawsuit [USA]
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