Miner says company aware of landslide risk two days before Turkey's mining disaster

16 February 2024
A worker from Anagold Mining Company, who did not want to be named, told Gazete Duvar that Anagold's occupational safety expert came to the workers after the disaster and told them that they had known about the crack that caused landslide for two days.
...."Workers saw the crack and warned (the company) about it, yet they did not take it into consideration. The company told us that they evacuated the site. If it was evacuated, why did these people stay under the ground? If we had not realized, we could have died too."
The worker explained that they wanted to intervene to those trapped under the land mass after the incident but were stopped ...
....Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Alparslan Bayraktar on Feb. 15 also said, “We observe that the operating company here is particularly weak at the management level. Representatives of the foreign company in question are still not here. We will look into this issue intensively after we finish the search and rescue process."
"The soil removal process from here will take two years, even if we work day and night," the worker emphasized, highlighting the cyanide danger. "This soil contains cyanide; it cannot be disposed of casually .... "
The worker argued that 40 percent of the material flowing in the landslide footage was cyanide ....
The Turkish Environment Ministry announced on Feb. 14 that they have not observed any pollution in the Euphrates River thus far. As a precautionary measure, the covers of the culvert where the stream in the site reaches the Euphrates River were closed....
Even though another leakage at the same site occurred in 2022, the mine began to operate after three months after paying an administrative fine and the $7.2 billion tax debt of the mining company was written off couple of months later.