Part of the following timelines
UK: Proposed changes to civil litigation funding will restrict access to justice for victims of UK multinational human rights violations, says Richard Meeran of Leigh Day
Cape/Gencor lawsuits (re So. Africa)
[PDF] The Third Pillar: Access to Judicial Remedies for Human Rights Violations by Transnational Business
Access to Justice and Extractive Industries (UK)
[audio] Silicosis: the largest class action suit in South African history and why it still matters
Alien Tort Backup Plan
Mine class action could start soon [So. Africa]
House of Commons debate about human rights concerns in Legal Aid Bill [UK]
Multinationals will profit from the government's civil litigation shakeup [UK]
South African mining facing implied $100bn silicosis damage – RBC
[PDF] Implications of the Jackson Civil Costs Reforms for Human Rights Cases against Multinational Corporations [UK]
[PDF] Tort litigation against multinationals (“MNCs”) for violation of human rights: an overview of the position outside the US
Leigh Day's Annual Review
Submission to European Commission regarding Brussels I Regulation (EC 44/2001)
[PDF] Review of the Brussels I Regulation
[PDF] Special event: Martyn Day & Paul Hoffman speaking on “Human rights lawsuits against companies – our experiences with victims, their families and businesspeople” (London, 3 Dec 2009)
[DOC] Open Letter to the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General on Business and Human Rights: The genesis and development of MNC litigation in South Africa and a possible model for the future
[PDF] Obstacles to Justice and Redress for Victims of Corporate Human Rights Abuse
Lawyers in a hunt for big game
Anglo being sued for R20m [So. Africa]
[PDF] Extraterritorial Jurisdiction as a tool for improving the Human Rights Accountability of Transnational Corporations
Why all companies should address human rights (and how the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre can help)
Asbestos attorney secures Swiss payout [South Africa]
[PDF] Transboundary Accountability for Transnational Corporations: Using Private Civil Claims
[DOC] Regulations for Corporations: A historical account of TNC regulation
Legal Remedies for the Resource Curse - A Digest of Experience in Using Law to Combat Natural Resource Corruption
[PDF] Beating the Odds: The Quest for Justice by South African Asbestos Mining Communities
Law, Globalization & Multinational Corps [Corporations] Law [Syllabus]
[PDF] executive summary: "Business and International Crimes: Assessing the Liability of Business Entities for Grave Violations of International Law"
[PDF] The Changing Landscape of Liability - A Director’s Guide to Trends in Corporate Environmental, Social and Economic Liability
Martyn Vs Goliath
Lawyers in asbestos case agreed to destroy evidence [UK]
[DOC] Corporate Social Responsibility: The International Aspects
Asbestosis victims continue their fights while multinationals duck and dive [So. Africa]
Human rights for all people for all times
Global actions against multinational companies
Cape plc finally pays out
Pay-out for ill miners cut by half [South Africa]
Asbestos deal won't bring back the dead [South Africa]
Less money for mining victims
Gold Mines Could Face Gencor-Type Lawsuits [South Africa]
Black workers to receive £45m asbestos settlement [South Africa]
[PDF] Legal Issues in Corporate Citizenship
Gencor opposes class action as 37 seek payment for asbestos-related diseases [South Africa]
Gencor's asbestos liability could be huge, court told [South Africa]
Asbestos victims seek court nod for class action against Gencor [South Africa]
Claimants set to pursue Gencor in UK [UK/South Africa]
Asbestos victims' lawyers carry costs
Gencor mum on asbestos case [South Africa]
Cape avoids justice again
Miners take Cape Plc back to court [South Africa/UK]
SA asbestos lawyers could face dilemma: Gencor may seek redress from Cape [South Africa]
Asbestos claim case takes new twist with Gencor: Workers to challenge company's unbundling [South Africa]
Cape plc's P5.6m goes to banks, not victims [South Africa]
Cape Plc fails to pay asbestos claimants [South Africa]
Asbestos case: Bankers could be held liable [South Africa]
Asbestos Lawyers Hand Cape a Final Ultimatum to Pay [South Africa]
Asbestos victims' wait drags on [South Africa]
Asbestosis victims wait for their millions [South Africa]
Internationally Binding Legislation and Litigation for the Enforcement of Labour Rights
Asbestos firm [Cape] warns of claims risk
36 asbestos claims cite Gencor as a defendant [South Africa]
Asbestos victims win landmark case [UK]
Justice sought for workers suffering from asbestosis [South Africa]
Lifting the corporate veil
Gefco faces potential lawsuit landslide
UK payout for asbestosis victims
South African Asbestos Victims Settle With Cape
Cape to compensate South Africa asbestos miners
Victory for South African asbestos claimants
Blow to asbestos claimants
Asbestos victims widen quest for compensation [South Africa/UK]
Cape plc Opens Talks With South African Asbestos Victims: First breakthrough in compensation campaign?
South African asbestos settlement talks begin
Cape asbestos case turns critical
Compensate South African Victims, Cape plc Told
Justice delayed for a childhood in asbestos
Apartheid's Killer Legacy
Bringing the Multinationals to Book
Liability of Multinational Corporations under International Law
View full case
BP lawsuit (re Colombia)
Leigh Day hit with £27 million indemnity costs order in Colombian pipeline case
Judgment handed down in long-running class action regarding the Ocensa pipeline in Colombia
Florez Arroyo et al. v. Equion Energia (ex-BP Exploration Company)
Colombian Farmers Take BP To UK Court Over Oil Pipeline
BP faces High Court trial for environmental damage in Colombia
Colombian farmers sue BP over oil pipeline’s alleged impact
[PDF] Corporate Legal Accountability Quarterly Bulletin – Issue 13, June 2014
Colombian farmers prepare for trial against former BP company [UK]
Multinationals will profit from the government's civil litigation shakeup [UK]
[PDF] Implications of the Jackson Civil Costs Reforms for Human Rights Cases against Multinational Corporations [UK]
[PDF] Tort litigation against multinationals (“MNCs”) for violation of human rights: an overview of the position outside the US
Submission to European Commission regarding Brussels I Regulation (EC 44/2001)
BP pays out millions to Colombian farmers
BP reaches agreement with Colombian farmers
BP alcanza acuerdo con campesinos de Colombia
Available languages: español -
British lawyers return from Medellin to make claim on behalf of Colombian farmers against BP
View full case
Monterrico Metals lawsuit (re Peru)
Primer Juzgado Mixto de Huancabamba resuelve absolviendo de responsabilidad penal a 107 personas acusados falsamente de la comisión de diversos delitos [Perú]
Available languages: español -
Caso Majaz: Fiscalía pide 10 años de cárcel para 14 policías por torturar a campesinos [Perú]
Available languages: español -
[video] Peru: Undermining Justice
[DOC] Broadcast of Al Jazeera documentary on Monterrico Metals in Peru
Caso Río Blanco: Fiscalia de la nación ordena proseguir denuncia contra fiscal que ocultó torturas
Available languages: español -
The UK's scandalous legal aid bill is a threat to global human rights
Justice Secretary Clarke Denies Access to Justice for Victims of Corporate Abuse [UK]
Legal changes will hamper abuse cases [UK]
U.K. Shell Deal Spotlights Value of Common Law Model for Human Rights Litigation
[PDF] Peruvian torture claimants compensated by UK mining company
House of Commons debate about human rights concerns in Legal Aid Bill [UK]
Multinationals will profit from the government's civil litigation shakeup [UK]
[PDF] Implications of the Jackson Civil Costs Reforms for Human Rights Cases against Multinational Corporations [UK]
Zijin Mining's Rio Blanco Project, Peru -- reports on conflicts and company responses
[PDF] Tort litigation against multinationals (“MNCs”) for violation of human rights: an overview of the position outside the US
UK firm's partner 'wanted Peru to curb priests in mine conflict areas'
Leigh Day's Annual Review
Peruvian torture victims obtain UK High Court worldwide freezing injunction over mining company assets
British mining company faces damages claim after allegations of torture in Peru [includes video]
British Mining company faces injunction over torture allegations in Peru
Peru blames police in copper mine torture case
View full case