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HRD Attack

14 Jan 2022

Muralidhar Sahoo - Anti-POSCO Movement

Incident date
14 Jan 2022
Date accuracy
All Correct
Muralidhar Sahoo
Anti-POSCO Movement
Human rights group
Arbitrary detention
Target: Individual
Location of Incident: India
JSW Steel India Metals & steel Company Response
Other actors


Muralidhar Sahoo (or Murlidhar Sahu) is a leader of the Anti-POSCO Movement in Odisha, India. On 14 January 2022, Muralidhar Sahoo and human rights defenders Debendra Swain and Narendra Mohanty, were arrested by police officers because of their support for the peaceful protest by the local community against the land acquisition by the district administration for Jindal Steel Work Utkal Limited, and the forcible destruction of community betel vine plantations. Police reportedly violently repressed the protest, injuring many including women and children, and arrested over 500 villagers from the protest site, including Nimai Mallick, Manguli Kandi and Trinath Mallick.

Police in Odisha had also filed a criminal case against Muralidhar Sahoo on December 1, 2021, because of his role in the protests.