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28 Apr 2023

Solidarity of Trade Union Myanmar (STUM)

Myanmar: Garment workers reportedly denied benefits & face wage deductions

See all tags Allegations

The workers of the De Xin Garment Factory, which was illegally opened in the Watar Industrial Zone, Shwe Pytha town, asked STUM for help…

Even though the factory opened on 21-4-23…the workers have never been paid SSB.

The working hours are 8 am and 8 pm, but I only get 3 hours of OT pay. I am being exploited for half an hour of OT pay per day.

I can't get the full grade [pay] as stated in the job application.

If you...take the weekend off, the grade [pay] will be deducted. The grade [pay] was cut for the last Thingyan holiday…

The weather is very hot, and they have not arranged for them to work comfortably...

[Translation via Google Translate]