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6 Mar 2024

Min Ni Kyaw, Myanmar Labour News

Myanmar: Garment workers who resigned following introduction of conscription law unable to retrieve wages

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"Some workers who returned home are suffering as the factory does not allow someone to issue salary on behalf of the workers.", 6 March 2024

...the factory does not allow...workers who returned home [after resigning] to [receive their] salary [from] someone on behalf of the workers...workers who resigned [must get] the[ir] salary by [them]selves...

“...there are 40 people who resigned in February and the total wages may be around 80 lakhs...,” said a worker who resigned from Jiashihao garment factory...

“Department of Factory and General Labor Law Inspection is responsible for the wages, so that workers could report to them...If it doesn’t help, they could seek for help from the lawyers who are helping. The amount is quite large so that they should,” said the activist.

The workers resigned from the factory in the mid of February after the military service law came out, confirmed by a worker from Jiashihao (Myanmar) factory. Most workers who went back to home town are female workers.

“...our [family] told us to [come] back because of the conscription news in Yangon, so that us, who want to go back home went back together,” said the worker.

Jiashihao (Myanmar) factory is [recruiting] 500 workers as many workers had resigned and a worker said there are discriminations in the factory and they don’t get access to casual and seniority leaves.

“Only those who are confident with the superiors get leave and the others don’t. Seniority leaves are also refused as they told that they have already given the equivalent money for it,” said the worker.

The Jisashihao (Myanmar) Limited [is] operating with around 1,200 workers and manufacturing ZARA, LIDL...and OTTO brand fabrics.

[Translation via Myanmar Labour News]
