Myanmar: Three garment workers at Sioen Myanmar Garment arrested for involvement in civil disobedience movement
Date Reported: 12 May 2022
Location: Myanmar
Sioen Industries - Supplier , Sioen Industries - BuyerAffected
Total individuals affected: 3
Workers: ( 3 - Location unknown - Sector unknown , Gender not reported )Issues
Business-military collusion , Imprisonment , Freedom of AssociationResponse
Response sought: Yes, by BHRRC
Story containing response: (Find out more)
Action taken: SIOEN Myanmar Garment allegedly supplies to parent company SIOEN Industries; SIOEN Industries provided a response to a request for comment from the Resource Centre.
Source type: NGO
Date Reported: 12 May 2022
Location: Myanmar
Sioen Industries - Supplier , Sioen Industries - BuyerAffected
Total individuals affected: 700
Workers: ( 700 - Location unknown - Sector unknown , Gender not reported )Issues
Denial of permanent contracts , Freedom of Association , DismissalResponse
Response sought: Yes, by BHRRC
Story containing response: (Find out more)
Action taken: SIOEN Myanmar garment factory allegedly supplies to its parent company SIOEN Industries; SIOEN Industries provided a response to a request for comment rom the Resource Centre.
Source type: NGO
"Repression continues at garment factory in Myanmar", 12 May 2022
In April three garment workers at Sioen Myanmar Garment were arrested for their involvement in the civil disobedience movement. Among the three is a women union leader, detained after sharing political posts on social media.
According to IndustriALL affiliate IWFM, the three unionists had been released...
After the coup, the employer stopped respecting the collective agreement signed between the union and the employer before the coup. IWFM members at the factory report that the employer hired temporary workers only to terminate them before the end of the three-month probationary period on the pretext of redundancy. After the termination, the employer re-hired the workers.
It is believed that the employer does not want to put the workers under a regular employment contract, refusing to pay the statutory minimum wage of 4,800 Kyat (US$2.6) per day...
Sioen Myanmar Garment employs over 700 workers in the industrial zone of Hlaing Thar Yar Township, producing jackets and trousers under its own brand.