New Zealand: World Vision welcomes move to introduce modern slavery law
"World Vision Welcomes Positive First Step On Modern Slavery Law Reform", 28 July 2023
World Vision applauds the government’s move to introduce a law requiring businesses to publicly report on modern slavery risks.
It’s also pleased to see the government say that due diligence requirements are a priority but wants to see a time-bound commitment to incorporate these requirements.
Today the Minister for Workplace Relations and Safety, Hon. Carmel Sepuloni, announced a modern slavery reporting law, requiring businesses with at least $20 million in annual revenue to report on the risks of modern slavery in their supply chains. Those who do not meet disclosure requirements can face financial penalties.
World Vision New Zealand’s Head of Advocacy and Justice, Rebekah Armstrong, is pleased to see movement on modern slavery law reform.
New Zealanders can signal their support for modern slavery law reform by signing World Vision and Tearfund’s open letter here: