Norges Fotballforbund (Norwegian Football Federation) has not responded to

Qatar : La Fédération danoise de football demande à la FIFA une enquête indépendante sur les travailleurs migrants
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Amnesty International urges England team players to publicly support migrant workers in Qatar
Netherlands join Germany & Norway in making Qatar human rights protest prior to World Cup qualifier
Netherlands join Germany & Norway in making Qatar human rights protest prior to World Cup qualifier re human rights of migrant workers
Could a Norway boycott of the Qatar World Cup change the future of football?
No response by Norges Fotballforbund
AI Ireland urges the FAI to speak out against migrant rights violations related to Qatar World Cup
Response by English Football Association
Fifa takes no action over Norway protest as FA voices Qatar concerns
Response from Koninklijke Nederlandse Voetbalbond (Royal Dutch Football Association) re migrant workers in the Gulf
Response by the Dutch Football Association regarding concerns over treatment of migrant workers and specifically deaths linked to the World Cup in Qatar
Should football boycott the Qatar World Cup?
After Norway confirmed its intention to discuss a potential boycott, the Independent examines whether the football world is missing its opportunity to be a force for good regarding the World Cup in Qatar and migrant rights
Response by Dansk Boldspil-Union (Danish Football Association)
response by the Danish Football Association regarding the situation of migrant workers involved in the World Cup
Response by Deutscher Fußball-Bund (German Football Association)
Qatar and FIFA should respond to boycott calls with action
Qatar and FIFA should respond to boycott calls with action
The growing calls for a boycott of the Qatar World Cup
The growing calls for a boycott of the Qatar World Cup in light of the Guardian report into migrant deaths
Growing number of clubs call on Norway to boycott FIFA World Cup in Qatar
Growing number of clubs call on Norway to boycott FIFA World Cup in Qatar
Norwegian clubs call on FA to boycott Qatar 2022
Pressure mounts for teams to boycott 2022 World Cup in Qatar
Pressure mounts for teams to boycott 2022 World Cup in Qatar
ProFans alliance calls on Germany to renounce the World Cup
ProFans alliance calls on Germany to renounce the World Cup in light of Guardian reporting on deaths of migrant workers in Qatar
Dutch postpone Qatar trade mission over World Cup worker concerns
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