Part of the following timelines
So. Africa: Case study examines changes in Anglo Platinum's community relations strategies following investigation by So. African Human Rights Commission
Response by Anglo Platinum (part of Anglo American): Case study examines Anglo Platinum's changing strategies to address displacement & resettlement at Mogalakwena mine following investigation by So. African Human Rights Commission.
[PDF] Mogalakwena Mine - General update on community issues
[PDF] Anglo Platinum’s response to: “A clash of cultures (and lawyers): A case study of Anglo Platinum and its Mogalakwena mine in Limpopo, South Africa”
[PDF] A clash of cultures (and lawyers): A case study of Anglo Platinum and its Mogalakwena mine in Limpopo, South Africa
View full story
Anglo Platinum lawsuit (re displacement in So. Africa)
[PDF] Corporate Legal Accountability Quarterly Bulletin - Issue 7
[PDF] Anglo Platinum’s response to: “A clash of cultures (and lawyers): A case study of Anglo Platinum and its Mogalakwena mine in Limpopo, South Africa”
[PDF] Mogalakwena Mine - General update on community issues
[PDF] A clash of cultures (and lawyers): A case study of Anglo Platinum and its Mogalakwena mine in Limpopo, South Africa
Anglo Platinum Responds to Resettlement Allegations
[PDF] Precious Metal: The impact of Anglo Platinum on poor communities in Limpopo, South Africa
View full case