[PDF] CSR in conflict and post-conflict environments: from risk management to value creation
[T]here are significant experiences of companies that are participating in peace-building in numerous
countries, thus playing an increasingly important role in issues that affect global governance...National and international companies have developed peace-building policies by supporting the generation of entrepreneurship and job opportunities for vulnerable populations, building bridges among communities, actively supporting peace negotiations or adapting their products to the setting. Without getting into an in-depth analysis of the pros and cons of this participation, this publication spotlights the factors in sustainable CSR during conflict and post-conflict, and it offers specific guidelines for companies that want to adopt a strategic vision in this sphere. [refers to Shell, Grupo Éxito, Microsoft, Heineken, Total, MOGE, MTN, Grupo Amanco (part of Mexichem), Pavco (part of Mexichem), BP, Lonrho, Lundin Petroleum]