The purpose of this e-bulletin is to help keep everyone working in the field of business & children's rights informed about recent key developments and forthcoming initiatives. [Includes contributions in English, French & Spanish from: UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, UN Global Compact, UNICEF, Child Labour Platform, Global Child Forum (formerly World Child & Youth Forum), Bank Information Center, CCR CSR - Center for Child Rights, Children and Business Network in Nigeria, Harvard FXB Center for Health & Human Rights, International Institute for the Rights of the Child, Plan Internacional Ecuador, ONG Raíces (Chile), Asociación Chilena pro Naciones Unidas, Defence for Children International - Costa Rica, Global March Against Child Labour. Refers to companies including: Abbott, adidas, Aviva, BHP Billiton, Body Shop (part of L'Oréal), Boliden, Chevron, Daewoo Intl. (part of POSCO), FM Shabab, GM Uzbekistan, Google, HSBC, Indorama, Kuoni, Microsoft, Shurtanneftegaz, Telefónica Movistar Colombia, Toys R Us, Trustbank]