Part of the following timelines
Resource Centre launches new briefing - highlights human rights lawsuits against companies over alleged abuses in over 25 countries
Un système de surveillance est-il une arme ?
Available languages: français -
Ventes d'outils de surveillance à la Syrie : Qosmos visé par une enquête
Available languages: français -
Launch of the CAUSE coalition & Expert meeting on ICT companies – exploring ways to enhance regulation and strengthen accountability – University Foundation, 11 rue d'Egmont, Brussels– April 4, 2014 | 14:30-17:30
Corporate Accountability for Human Rights Violations in Countries in Transition
FIDH Briefing Paper on business & human rights "Enhancing Standards and Ensuring Redress" (Mar 2014) - with company responses & non-responses
[PDF] New Briefing Highlights Human Rights Lawsuits Against Companies Over Alleged Abuses in Over 25 Countries
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AngloGold Ashanti silicosis lawsuit (So. Africa)
South African gold mining companies form working group to compensate workers for lung disease
Mines ‘stalling’ silicosis claims [So. Africa]
South African miners take lung disease fight to London [UK]
NUM to demand 'justice' for silicosis sufferers at Anglo AGM [So. Africa]
[PDF] Corporate Legal Accountability Quarterly Bulletin – Issue 11, December 2013
The floodgates open: Anglo-American settles mineworkers’ silicosis claims
[audio] Silicosis: the largest class action suit in South African history and why it still matters
S African gold miners gun for mining firms
Anglo American to face South Africa silicosis hearing
[PDF] New Briefing Highlights Human Rights Lawsuits Against Companies Over Alleged Abuses in Over 25 Countries
Afrique du Sud : l'industrie de l'or menacée par une class action historique
Available languages: français -
Lawyer hopes to settle silicosis suit out of court [So. Africa]
Special Report: From gold dust, a billion dollar claim [So. Africa]
Sick miners want Anglo American to pay up
Mine class action could start soon [So. Africa]
'Justice' Bill to put corporate wrongdoers beyond the law [UK]
For South Africa’s sickened gold miners, a long wait for justice
South African mining facing implied $100bn silicosis damage – RBC
South African miners dying of lung disease as lawsuit enters 7th year, lawyers say
South Africa: Glimmer of justice for sick gold miners
Ruling favours ill miners
Ex-mineworker beats AngloGold, dies [So. Africa]
South African Miners Seek to Reduce Their Liability for Sick Ex-Workers
No Decision in Ailing Miner Case [So. Africa]
SA Court to hear former AngloGold miner's appeal case
[PDF] Business & Human Rights Resource Centre launches world’s first online portal profiling human rights lawsuits against companies
Corporate legal accountability for human rights abuses in South Africa
Multi-billion rand legal threat to SA miners crumbles
[PDF] Mangkayi Thembekile v. AngloGold Ashanti - Judgment
[DOC] Press Release Regarding Forthcoming Judgment in Mankayi v. AngloGold Ashanti [So. Africa]
South Africa: AngloGold Vs Ailing Worker in Test Case
AngloGold Ashanti silicosis case postponed to 2008
[PDF] In the High Court of South Africa - Witwatersrand Local Division - In the matter between Thembekile Mankayi (Plaintiff) and AngloGold Ashanti (Defendant)
[DOC] Precedent setting civil action instituted against Anglo Gold Ashanti Ltd [South Africa]
AngloGold lawsuit seen as a test case [So. Africa]
Test case could lead to billions being claimed from mines [So. Africa]
Gold Mines Could Face Gencor-Type Lawsuits [South Africa]
View full case
Ex-Abu Ghraib detainees lawsuits against CACI, Titan (now L-3)
Abu Ghraib Verdict: Iraqi Torture Survivors Win Landmark Case as Jury Holds Private Contractor CACI Liable
"[A] jury in a federal court found a Virginia-based government contractor liable for its role in the torture of Iraqi men at Abu Ghraib prison in 2003-2004 and ordered it to pay each of the three plaintiffs $3 million in compensatory damages and $11 million in punitive damages, for a total of $42 million. The ruling stems from a lawsuit filed in 2008 against CACI Premier Technology, Inc..."
USA: Jury awards $42 million dollars to 3 ex-detainees of Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison; holding CACI defence contractor liable for contributing to their abuse
"A US jury has awarded $42m (£33m) to three former detainees of Iraq's notorious Abu Ghraib prison, holding a Virginia-based defence contractor responsible for contributing to their abuse two decades ago."
USA: Judge declares mistrial after jury deadlocks in lawsuit against military contractor CACI over alleged abuses of Abu Ghraib prisoners
Former Abu Ghraib prisoners' lawsuit against military contractor CACI ended in a mistrial due to a deadlocked jury. The plaintiffs accused CACI interrogators of conspiring with soldiers to abuse detainees, while CACI denied complicity and claimed Army control. The plaintiffs may seek a retrial after 15 years of legal wrangling.
USA: Jury deliberations continue in CACI "Abu Ghraib torture case" as the US contractor attempts to focus the blame on the army
Trial is first time American jury has heard claims of mistreatment brought by survivors of notorious prison in Iraq.
USA: Jury trial against military contractor CACI over ‘sadistic abuses’ in Iraq's Abu Ghraib Prison starts after 20 years
Jury trial against military contractor CACI over ‘sadistic, blatant and wanton abuses’ comes 20 years after scandal broke.
USA: Judge refuses to dismiss case against U.S. military contractor CACI in Iraq's Abu Ghraib torture case
Nearly 20 years after torture scandal broke, Iraqis continue fight for justice; 15-year quest for day in court one step closer to trial.
US military contractor claims legal immunity in Iraq’s Abu Gharib torture case
US Supreme Court rejects contractor’s Abu Ghraib torture appeal
"Three Iraqi former detainees have accused US defence contractor of encouraging or directing their torture at the prison."
US appeals court rules military contractor can be sued over allegations of torture & war crimes in Abu Ghraib
US judge allows lawsuit against CACI alleging co's conspiracy to torture Iraqi detainees at Abu Ghraib prison to proceed
Al Shimari v CACI - Memorandum opinion on lack of subject matter jurisdiction
US judge rules Abu Ghraib interrogators may be questioned incognito in lawsuit against military contractor CACI over torture allegations
USA: Court rules case against security contractor CACI for torture claims at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq can proceed
Court Rules Abu Ghraib Survivors’ Case of Torture Against Private Military Contractor Can Proceed
A suit over Abu Ghraib getting to ‘what actually happened’
Abu Ghraib ex-inmates' lawsuit moves ahead in federal court
Suhail Najim Abdullah Al Shimari, et al., v. CACI Premier Tech, Inc.
[PDF] The Third Pillar: Access to Judicial Remedies for Human Rights Violations by Transnational Business
Appeals Court Revives Lawsuit by Abu Ghraib Inmates
Al Shimari, et al. v. CACI
Appellate Court Reinstates Abu Ghraib Torture Lawsuit Against Private Military Contractor
US appeals court examines question of responsibility for torture in case by Abu Ghraib victims
USA: The current state of Alien Tort litigation in the business & human rights context
US court must reject lawlessness of torture in Abu Ghraib case against CACI, says former general counsel for US Navy
Constitutional Scholars, Military Officers, Human Rights Groups File Briefs in Support of Abu Ghraib Victims Suing Corporation for Torture
Legal Experts Try To Reignite Iraqis' Suit Against Torture Facility Contractor
Abu Ghraib Survivors Appeal Immunity for Corporation Involved in Torture
[PDF] Al-Shimari, et al. v. CACI Premier Technology, et al. - Brief for Plaintiffs-Appellants
Former Abu Ghraib detainees appeal political question dismissal of suit against war-zone contractor
Abu Ghraib and the Perversion of the Political Question Doctrine
Accountability gap in USA for counter-terrorism human rights abuses by military contractors is alarming, says law professor
Abu Ghraib Goes to Court
CACI asks US court to dismiss case over alleged torture of Iraqi prisoners in Abu Ghraib
US court to consider if CACI can be sued for damages in USA over alleged abuse of Iraqi prisoners in Abu Ghraib prison
No impunity for corporate torturers at Abu Ghraib, attorneys argue
U.S. corporations winning fight over human rights lawsuits
Access to justice for victims of human rights abuses needs to be strengthened
Abu Ghraib torture lawsuit revived by U.S. appeals court
Abu Ghraib Torture Victims May Sue U.S. Corporation, Appeals Court Rules
[PDF] Al Shimari, et al. v. CACI, et al. - Opinion
Justice Increasingly Distant for Victims of Corporate Abuse
Abu Ghraib Torture Survivors Fight on Against Military Contractors
[PDF] Private military & security companies & their impacts on human rights - Bulletin Issue 5
Iraqis Accuse CACI of War Crimes and Torture
[PDF] Out of Bounds - Accountability for Corporate Human Rights Abuse After Kiobel
[PDF] Corporate Legal Accountability Quarterly Bulletin – Issue 10, Sep 2013
Post-Kiobel roundup: Apartheid case is not dismissed, but may soon be; some positive decisions from other courts [USA]
Court grants CACI’s request for legal fees [USA]
CACI seeking payment from former Abu Ghraib prisoners
[video] Abu Ghraib: A justice denied
Abu Ghraib case against CACI dismissed [USA]
[PDF] Corporate Legal Accountability Quarterly Bulletin – Issue 9, June 2013
Judge weighs motions that could result in dismissal of Abu Ghraib claims against CACI
Judge in Abu Ghraib case: 'Sooner or later, plaintiffs have to come to court'
Hearing on Defendant CACI's motion to dismiss Plaintiffs' ATS claims in Al Shimari v. CACI
[PDF] Private military & security companies & their impacts on human rights - Bulletin Issue 4
Seeking Corporate Accountability for Crimes at Abu Ghraib
CACI, plaintiffs preparing for trial over Abu Ghraib allegations
Private security's new accountability regime?
Iraq War Contractors Fight On Against Lawsuits, Investigations, Fines [USA]
Federal Judge Dismisses Much of Abu Ghraib Torture Suit Against Contractor
The Privatization of War: Mercenaries, Private Military and Security Companies (PMSC)
Abu Ghraib scandal continuing to create repercussions for contractors
$5M paid to Iraqis over Abu Ghraib
[PDF] Corporate Legal Accountability Quarterly Bulletin - Issue 7
[PDF] Second Session of the Open-ended Intergovernmental Working Group to consider the possibility of an international regulatory framework on the regulation, monitoring and oversight of the activities of private military and security companies -...
[PDF] New Briefing Highlights Human Rights Lawsuits Against Companies Over Alleged Abuses in Over 25 Countries
Appeals court revives Iraqis’ Abu Ghraib suits [USA]
Corporate Accountability Now
Federal Court to Decide Whether Former Abu Ghraib Prisoners Can Sue U.S. Contractors for Damages [USA]
Abu Ghraib Torture Victims Challenge Corporate Impunity
[PDF] Al-Quraishi v L-3 Services, Incorporated - Opinion
Appeals court in Virginia tosses 2 lawsuits claiming Iraqis tortured by Abu Ghraib contractors [USA]
Combating Impunity
Abu Ghraib Inmates Lose U.S. High Court Bid to Sue Contractors
U.S. Government Undermines Abu Ghraib Torture Victims' Right to Remedy
Abu Ghraib Torture Victims Deserve Compensation
Abu Ghraib contractors seek civil immunity
Abu Ghraib lawsuits against CACI, Titan (now L-3)
Abu Ghraib Case Involving Private Contractors Draws Top Court's Interest
Group Urges Supreme Court to Hold Military Contractors Accountable for Torture and Abuse
Retired Senior Military Officers, Rights Groups File Amicus Briefs Asking Supreme Court to Hear Abu Ghraib Torture Case
[PDF] Opinion in Saleh v. Titan Corp. and CACI International
U.S. court dismisses Iraqi contractor torture case
Court rules Abu Ghraib torture victims can sue contractor CACI, according to legal team for former detainees [USA]
Federal Appeals Court Hears Abu Ghraib Torture Suits [USA]
Abu Ghraib inmates sue contractors, claim torture
CACI Rejects Copycat Lawsuits and False Allegations
Ex-Abu Ghraib detainees sue military contractors for torture
CCR Files Four New Abu Ghraib Torture Lawsuits Targeting Military Contractors in U.S. Courts
Former Abu Ghraib Prisoner Accuses CACI, L-3 of Torture in Suit
The War Comes Home
Federal Judge Lets Abu Ghraib Suit Against Government Contractor Go Forward
US judge: contractor can face Iraqi torture suit
The Forgotten Conspiracy - Corporate Torture in Iraq
Online Action Center - Investigate and prosecute military contractors who torture
Companies Running Detention Centers Can Be Sued for Human Rights Violations [USA]
View full case
Amesys lawsuit (re Libya)
France: Court of Appeal confirms indictment of Amesys & its executives over allegations of complicity of torture in Libya
"...[T]he Investigative Chamber of the Paris Court of Appeal... confirmed the indictment of AMESYS and its executives, and dismissed all the other procedural nullities invoked. It also ordered the continuation of the investigation. A promising sign for the civil parties."
Cybersurveillance en Libye: la société française Amesys mise en examen pour "complicité d'actes de torture"
Available languages: français -
French technology firm charged over Libya cyber-spying
"French prosecutors have charged a French IT company that allegedly helped the regime of Libyan dictator Moamer Kadhafi spy on opposition figures who were later detained and tortured, sources close to the inquiry said Thursday."
French executives of Amesys and Nexa Technologies face torture charges for selling spy gear to Libya, Egypt
Surveillance et torture en Egypte et en Libye – des dirigeants d’Amesys et Nexa Technologies mis en examen
Available languages: français -
Cyber-surveillance en Libye et en Égypte: des dirigeants d'entreprises françaises mis en examen
Available languages: français -
Q/A - Surveillance et torture en Egypte et en Libye – des dirigeants d’Amesys et Nexa Technologies mis en examen
Available languages: français -
Surveillance & torture in Egypt & Libya: Amesys and Nexa Technologies executives indicted
[PDF] The Third Pillar: Access to Judicial Remedies for Human Rights Violations by Transnational Business
The Amesys case: the victims anxious to see tangible progress
Affaire Amesys : les victimes attendent des avancées concrètes
Available languages: français -
L'affaire Amesys
Available languages: français -
La FIDH appelle à une régulation européenne des technologies de surveillance pour empêcher qu’elles soient utilisées dans des violations des droits de l’homme
Available languages: français -
RSF demande à l'ONU un traité sur l'exportation des mouchards
Available languages: français -
Un système de surveillance est-il une arme ?
Available languages: français -
Ventes d'outils de surveillance à la Syrie : Qosmos visé par une enquête
Available languages: français -
Launch of the CAUSE coalition & Expert meeting on ICT companies – exploring ways to enhance regulation and strengthen accountability – University Foundation, 11 rue d'Egmont, Brussels– April 4, 2014 | 14:30-17:30
Corporate Accountability for Human Rights Violations in Countries in Transition
FIDH Briefing Paper on business & human rights "Enhancing Standards and Ensuring Redress" (Mar 2014) - with company responses & non-responses
Blog: "Information technology - the power and responsibility of business"
[PDF] Corporate Legal Accountability Quarterly Bulletin – Issue 11, December 2013
[PDF] Businesses across the Middle East must put human rights above the bottom line - New report lifts the lid on the business practices of dozens of companies operating across the Middle East
Le gouvernement veut contrôler l’exportation des logiciels de surveillance [France]
Available languages: français -
[PDF] Contribution à l'avis de la CNCDH sur le Plan national d'action de mise en application des Principes directeurs des Nations unies relatifs aux entreprises et aux droits de l’homme
Available languages: français -
James Dunne : « Pendant des années, mon travail a servi à des tyrans »
Available languages: français -
The Global Lawyer: Kiobel's Continental Cousins
[video] Le rapport 2012 de la FIDH en BD
Available languages: français -
[PDF] Corporate Legal Accountability Bulletin - Issue 8
Libye de Kadhafi: un juge français va enquêter sur le rôle d'Amesys
Available languages: français -
[PDF] Corporate Legal Accountability Quarterly Bulletin - Issue 7
[PDF] New Briefing Highlights Human Rights Lawsuits Against Companies Over Alleged Abuses in Over 25 Countries
[PDF] Digital Freedoms in International Law: Practical Steps to Protect Human Rights Online
Case profile: Amesys lawsuit (re Libya)
Torture en Libye : enquête sur la société française Amesys
Available languages: français -
Amesys response re article alleging that Amesys sold surveillance equipment to Libyan authorities
Debating human rights in the IT industry [USA]
FIDH and LDH file a complaint concerning the responsability of the company AMESYS in relation to acts of torture [France]
Contrat avec la Libye : Amesys se défend
Available languages: français
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