Philippines: Garment workers call on intl brands to intervene following allegations of constructive dismissal at FPF Corporation factory

According to public reports, a group of workers at the FPF Corporation Factory in the Freeport Economic Zone of Bataan in the Philippines are facing constructive dismissal. Workers at the factory were not reinstated after more than six months of ‘floating status’ furlough, despite the requirement by Philippines labour law that workers must be reinstated or paid separation (severance) pay after a six-month period if they do not agree to an extension. Workers are calling on brands sourcing from the factory to assist in their reinstatement.
In December 2020, Business & Human Rights Resource Centre invited Fossil Group, Brahmin, Michael Kors and Tapestry to respond. Brahmin and Michael Kors did not respond. Fossil Group's and Tapestry's responses are included below. Tapestry said 'FPF has not been a supplier in over a year'.