Proposal for new mandatory human and labour rights and environmental due diligence legislation
The TUC brings together more than 5.5 million working people who make up our 48 member unions. The TUC and unions are campaigning for new legislation that would give organisations greater legal responsibility for preventing labour and human rights abuses and environmental harms in their global value chains. We welcome Labour’s commitment in the National Policy Forum to “assess the best way to prevent environmental harms, modern slavery and human and labour rights abuses in both private and public sector supply chains including effective due diligence rules,” in government. The TUC recognises the government’s intention to deliver on this commitment, as stated by Baroness Jones in the House of Lords: “The Government is clear on the need to prevent environmental harms and human and labour rights abuses in both private and public sector supply chains and will take an evidence-based approach as we assess the best ways to achieve this…We will consult with stakeholders as we consider any further action.”
New legislation would lead to better regulation of global value chains and promote decent work and respect for workers’ rights in the UK and globally. It would signal a fresh approach from this government…