Recommendations on the Protection of Those who Exercise Their Rights and Freedoms from Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participations
The objective of this study is an overall survey of the SLAPPs problem both inside and outside the country followed by an analysis with a view to making recommendations appropriate to the situation in Thailand to prevent SLAPPs cases. In the section studying the problem situation, this report compiled data on cases between 1997 and May 2019...
The criterion for identifying a case as a SLAPP case takes into consideration the definition of a ‘lawsuit brought in order to threaten the exercise of constitutional rights related to public issues or any other action to support the exercise of constitutional rights related to public issues’...
From investigation and the compilation of data from different sources, it is found that from 1997 to the present (31 May 2019), there have been 212 cases that qualify as SLAPPs. If we count only 2013, we find a significantly greater number of SLAPPs cases than in previous years. This results from many cases that a gold mining company brought against a villager group that opposed their activities...