Rejoinder of Pan-Armenian Environmental Front (AEF) civil initiative to Lydian International’s response
“Responsible” Plunder of Nature: Problems Covered up by Lydian Regarding Exploitation of a Mine in Amulsar, 7 December 2016
...There is no need to prove that any mining activity, especially metal mining and processing, irreversibly damages nature and human health...Now let us eloborate on the serious unmanageable risks...Dust, filled with heavy and dangerous metals, will spread around with the wind to the neighboring areas and will pollute the air, soil, surface waters, meadows...Lydian states that 95% of the dust will not move further than adistance of 1000 meters; however international and local experiences prove the opposite...[R]egarding the usage of sodium cyanide for heap leaching. This method contains primary and secondary risks, which are often unmanageable and uncontrollable. Primary risks include fires in cyanide storehouses, accidents in technical structures, leaks of highly hazardous substances, natural disasters, terrorist and military actions, and other similar accidents with grave effects on people...Secondary risks have even more complex origins and their impacts may last forever...On our website we have numerously alerted of environmental as well as social risks of the Amulsar gold mining project. It does not comply with the standards of the very financial institutions who are giving the loan to this project (WB International Finance Corporaiton, EBRD), and it is a pending question why our complaints regarding this matter are not properly investigated by these institutions.