Company Response
This is a response to
"Are mining profits ethically earned?" - asks John Capel about Africa's mining industry [2012]
Part of the following timelines
DRC: Glencore copper-cobalt mine allegedly linked to pollution, child labour and tax evasion; including past company responses
Glencore-Katanga Mining Ltd., Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
Glencore response
Réponse de Glencore
Available languages: français -
Glencore response
Glencore response to BBC Panorama Broadcast
Response by Glencore (now Glencore Xstrata): John Capel of Bench Marks Foundation in So. Africa criticises "African Mining Indaba" conference for excluding civil society.
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"Are mining profits ethically earned?" - asks John Capel about Africa's mining industry [2012]
AngloGold Ashanti did not respond to: John Capel of Bench Marks Foundation in So. Africa criticises "African Mining Indaba" conference for excluding civil society. Click here
Response by Barrick Gold: John Capel of Bench Marks Foundation in So. Africa criticises "African Mining Indaba" conference for excluding civil society.
"Are mining profits ethically earned?" - asks John Capel about Africa's mining industry [2012]
Response by Mining Indaba: John Capel of Bench Marks Foundation in So. Africa criticises "African Mining Indaba" conference for excluding civil society
Response by Glencore (now Glencore Xstrata): John Capel of Bench Marks Foundation in So. Africa criticises "African Mining Indaba" conference for excluding civil society.
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