This is a response to
Confederación de Trabajadores de México did not respond to: Mexico: Local communities protest major wind farm in Oaxaca claiming it would adversely affect their livelihood; protesters allegedly subject to intimidation & death threats.
Alegaciones de amenazas de muerte contra manifestantes que se oponen al parque eólico de Mareña Renovables en Oaxaca, México, 2012
Available languages: español -
Alleged death threats against protesters of wind farm in Oaxaca, Mexico
Response by Macquarie Bank: Mexico: Local communities protest major wind farm in Oaxaca claiming it would adversely affect their livelihood; protesters allegedly subject to intimidation & death threats.
Response by Mareña Renovables (joint venture Macquarie, Mitsubishi Corp. & PGGM): Mexico: Local communities protest major wind farm in Oaxaca claiming it would adversely affect their livelihood; protesters allegedly subject to intimidation & death..
Response by Vestas Wind Systems: Mexico: Local communities protest major wind farm in Oaxaca claiming it would adversely affect their livelihood; protesters allegedly subject to intimidation & death threats.
Response by Mitsubishi Corporation: Mexico: Local communities protest major wind farm in Oaxaca claiming it would adversely affect their livelihood; protesters allegedly subject to intimidation & death threats. Click here
Response by FEMSA: Mexico: Local communities protest major wind farm in Oaxaca claiming it would adversely affect their livelihood; protesters allegedly subject to intimidation & death threats.
Response by Heineken: Mexico: Local communities protest major wind farm in Oaxaca claiming it would adversely affect their livelihood; protesters allegedly subject to intimidation & death threats.
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