RWE statement
Many thanks for inviting us to respond to your questions regarding business activities in Ukraine and Russia.
We are happy to provide you with the following response:
RWE is neither operating nor investing in Russia or Ukraine, therefore, we do not have any employees there. Although we do not have any own business activities in both countries, our company is also affected by the economic effects of the war. We are committed to and are complying with all sanctions. We continue purchasing gas from Russia under existing contracts with quite small volumes. We have not accepted hard coal deliveries from Russia since the end of March, with the result that we had to write off our procurement contracts worth EUR 850 million for Russian hard coal. We have fully replaced the proportion of sustainable biomass that we previously sourced from Russia.
We are constantly improving our human rights due diligence processes for all our business activities. Therefore, we are currently establishing an improved risk management system for the whole group to ensure an even better risk identification and mitigation with regards to our own business activities as well as with regards to our suppliers and other business partners.