Part of the following timelines
So. Africa: Ex-miners suffering lung disease file class action lawsuit against more than 30 gold companies
AngloGold Ashanti silicosis lawsuit (So. Africa)
South African gold mining companies form working group to compensate workers for lung disease
Mines ‘stalling’ silicosis claims [So. Africa]
South African miners take lung disease fight to London [UK]
NUM to demand 'justice' for silicosis sufferers at Anglo AGM [So. Africa]
[PDF] Corporate Legal Accountability Quarterly Bulletin – Issue 11, December 2013
The floodgates open: Anglo-American settles mineworkers’ silicosis claims
[audio] Silicosis: the largest class action suit in South African history and why it still matters
S African gold miners gun for mining firms
Anglo American to face South Africa silicosis hearing
[PDF] New Briefing Highlights Human Rights Lawsuits Against Companies Over Alleged Abuses in Over 25 Countries
Afrique du Sud : l'industrie de l'or menacée par une class action historique
Available languages: français -
Lawyer hopes to settle silicosis suit out of court [So. Africa]
Special Report: From gold dust, a billion dollar claim [So. Africa]
Sick miners want Anglo American to pay up
Mine class action could start soon [So. Africa]
'Justice' Bill to put corporate wrongdoers beyond the law [UK]
For South Africa’s sickened gold miners, a long wait for justice
South African mining facing implied $100bn silicosis damage – RBC
South African miners dying of lung disease as lawsuit enters 7th year, lawyers say
South Africa: Glimmer of justice for sick gold miners
Ruling favours ill miners
Ex-mineworker beats AngloGold, dies [So. Africa]
South African Miners Seek to Reduce Their Liability for Sick Ex-Workers
No Decision in Ailing Miner Case [So. Africa]
SA Court to hear former AngloGold miner's appeal case
[PDF] Business & Human Rights Resource Centre launches world’s first online portal profiling human rights lawsuits against companies
Corporate legal accountability for human rights abuses in South Africa
Multi-billion rand legal threat to SA miners crumbles
[PDF] Mangkayi Thembekile v. AngloGold Ashanti - Judgment
[DOC] Press Release Regarding Forthcoming Judgment in Mankayi v. AngloGold Ashanti [So. Africa]
South Africa: AngloGold Vs Ailing Worker in Test Case
AngloGold Ashanti silicosis case postponed to 2008
[DOC] Precedent setting civil action instituted against Anglo Gold Ashanti Ltd [South Africa]
[PDF] In the High Court of South Africa - Witwatersrand Local Division - In the matter between Thembekile Mankayi (Plaintiff) and AngloGold Ashanti (Defendant)
AngloGold lawsuit seen as a test case [So. Africa]
Test case could lead to billions being claimed from mines [So. Africa]
Gold Mines Could Face Gencor-Type Lawsuits [South Africa]
View full case
Gold miner silicosis litigation (re So. Africa)
So. Africa: Campaign calls for speedy payment of compensation to victims of Silicosis
South Africa: Tshiamiso Trust has yet to compensate miners in silicosis and TB settlement
So. Africa: Silicosis victims to receive first payments in the second quarter of 2020
So. Africa: R5-billion silicosis settlement approved by the Johannesburg high court is not a finite amount
So. Africa: Johannesburg High Court approves $353 million class action settlement in lawsuit against mining firms re lung disease
So. Africa: 5 mining companies ask Court to accept 5 billion rand settlement in lawsuits re gold miners affected by silicosis & tuberculosis
So. Africa: High Court sets out process for approving settlement between miners affected by silicosis, TB & mining companies
So. Africa: Trust to disburse funds to miners following silicosis & tuberculosis lawsuit settlement to be established in 2019
South Africa miners reach $400 million silicosis settlement with mining companies
Mining companies to fork out about R5-billion to mineworkers after silicosis settlement
South African Gold Producers Reach Lung-Disease Settlement
Silicosis lawsuit settlement expected within 6 weeks
So. Africa: Class-action silicosis case likely to take six months to settle as three new companies join the matter
So. Africa: Trust handling compensation on behalf of Anglo American & AngloGold Ashanti for more than 4000 ex-miners affected by silicosis says over $8 million disbursed to 963 claimants in 19 months
So. Africa: Lawyer representing 30 000 mineworkers in silicosis case says deal with mines most likely final by end of 2017
Gold mining firms set aside $360 million for South Africa silicosis law suit
So. Africa: Mining companies set aside millions for potential settlement of gold miners’ silicosis lawsuit
NGO calls for justice for southern Africa mineworkers affected by silicosis and tuberculosis
So. Africa: Settlement in silicosis class action lawsuit by mineworkers against gold mining companies expected by year-end
So. Africa: Mineworkers likely to settle lawsuit over compensation for health damage against gold mining companies
So. Africa: NGO says Women's "invisible" labour in sustaining mining labour force in communities affected by silicosis hardly recognised
So. Africa: Mining companies granted leave to appeal silicosis class action decision
So. Africa: Gold mining companies appeal to Supreme Court over class action decision in silicosis lawsuit
Silicosis and tuberculosis on the gold mines
So. Africa: High Court rejects gold mining companies’ appeal in silicosis class action
Afrique du Sud : Un juge autorise l’action de groupe de mineurs atteints de silicose contre 30 entreprises minières
Available languages: français -
Nkala, et al. v. Harmony Gold Mining Co. Ltd., et al. - Judgement on leave to appeal
So. Africa: Court decision allowing silicosis class action against gold mining firms to proceed gives hope for compensation to miners
Silicosis and TB: Mining companies should stop appealing and start negotiating
South African mining firms to appeal silicosis ruling
Gold Fields : Hausfeld Announces Class Action Certified for South African Gold Miners in Landmark Case
Nkala, et al. v. Harmony Gold Mining Co. Ltd., et al. - Judgement on authorization of class action
South African court allows silicosis class action suit against gold firms
Analysis: Judgment day for silicosis class action application
So. Africa: Gold mining companies push for legacy fund to pay eligible silicosis claimants above statutory compensation
So. Africa: Gold miner silicosis litigation - the complicated compensation system & why miners turned to the courts
So. Africa: Court rejects mining firm's call to deny class action for silicosis victims based on differences in race
So. Africa: Anglo American denies employing former mineworkers bringing silicosis lawsuit
Afrique du Sud : Des mineurs atteints de tuberculose et de silicose poursuivent des sociétés minières en justice
Available languages: français -
So. Africa: Mining firms argue they cannot be held liable for compensating miners only affected by tuberculosis in lawsuit
So. Africa: Mining companies argue allowing class action lawsuit for gold miners affected by silicosis would be contrary to the “interests of justice”
The price of gold: South African miners sue over devastated lives – in pictures
Lawsuit for miners with terminal illnesses begins
South Africa: Will Gold Miners Get Justice?
So. Africa: Miners suffering from silicosis seek to hold mining companies legally accountable
So. Africa: Silicosis-afflicted mine workers dying at an alarming rate, says lawyers seeking leave to sue mining companies in class action
So. Africa: Admission of NGOs as friends of the court in Silicosis case will test boundaries of class action law, says analyst
So. Africa: NGOs apply to be friends of the court in silicosis class action suit against mining companies
So. Africa: Miners' class action lawsuit against companies over contracting silicosis & tuberculosis to start in October
Nkala and others v. Harmony Gold and others: Amici intervention of Sonke Gender Justice and the Treatment Action Campaign
So. Africa: Plaintiffs' experts accuse gold mining companies of distorting science to quash silicosis class action lawsuit
Mines ‘stalling’ silicosis claims [So. Africa]
NUM to demand 'justice' for silicosis sufferers at Anglo AGM [So. Africa]
Silicosis claims and the gold mines: To settle or not?
[audio] Silicosis: the largest class action suit in South African history and why it still matters
Anglo American silicosis claimants turn to South African courts
Silicosis suit could shutter [South Africa's] gold mines
Ex-miners seek silicosis class action vs. South African firms
S African gold miners gun for mining firms
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