Sodastream pulls out of West Bank following campaign by Palestinian groups - company says it is "purely commercial" decision
"Sodastream pulls out of West Bank as sales continue to fall amid Scarlett Johansson controversy", 30 Oct 2014
Sodastream, the Israeli maker of fizzy drink machines, will close its West Bank factory after coming under intense pressure from pro-Palestine groups. The company said the decision to pull out of Mishor Adumim - an industrial site located in the occupied West Bank- is "purely commercial" as part of a new growth plan following a string of disappointing financial results and poor sales. However, boycott calls have intensified over the past year with pro-Palestine groups including the Campaign for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions and Interfaith Boycott Coalition urging consumers to ditch Sodastream on the grounds that its presence in the West Bank violates the rights of Palestine.