Solway's response on the content of leaked documents
- In CGN and PRONICO we carry out all our activities in a responsible manner with the human and natural environment, complying with national legislation and high international standards of socio-environmental sustainability...
- The computer system of CGN and PRONICO has suffered several times a cyber attack, which resulted in losses, damages and falsification of data of our corporate information.
- The information published by the Forbidden Stories news consortium is deliberately compromised, adulterated and distorted...
- Our parent company, Solway Investment Group, also reported the cyber attack to the Swiss National Cyber Security Centre and is fully cooperating with them in the case.
- CGN and Pronico are cooperating fully with the open investigation led by the board in response to the allegations raised by the series of publications initiated by the Forbidden Stories journalistic consortium....
- We at CGN and PRONICO reaffirm our commitment to sustainable development to improve the quality of life of the communities of El Estor, Izabal....
(Translated by the BHRRC)