Tanzania: RAID's ongoing research into violence at Petra Diamonds’ mine finds guards altered ammunition “to cause indiscriminate injury”
RAID has found evidence that guards employed by Petra Diamonds at its Williamson diamond mine in Tanzania deliberately caused “serious harm” to local residents shot on the company’s concession.
Tanzania: RAID report on alleged killings & brutal assaults of local residents at Petra Diamonds' subsidiary
RAID says a new report of human rights abuses, including killings and violence, at the Williamson Mine, undermines FTSE4Good listing
Petra Diamond's says it is investigating allegations of human rights abuses from RAID
Petra Diamonds says it is working hard to address allegations of human rights abuses at its Tanzanian mine
Tanzania: RAID's report on alleged human rights abuses, including killings & violence, at Petra Diamond's mine
A report by RAID gives alleged accounts of killings and brutal assaults of local residents at Pedra Diamond's Williamson Mine in northern Tanzania.
UK: Lawyers film claim against Petra Diamond; allegations of human rights abuses at company's diamond mine in Tanzania
Press release from the law firm that has filed a claim in the UK courts against British company Petra Diamonds Limited (PDL) on behalf of claimants alleging violence by security guards at PDL owned mine in Tanzania.