Ternium's response to violations in the steel chain
...Ternium believes that our industrial project will only be sustainable with the support of our communities. With a long-term vision, we strive for environmental excellence in all our industrial operations and promote community growth through education, and high quality employment opportunities for Steel´s Supply Chain. Ternium has significant investments in environmental projects...
Regarding the plant in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, we operate a state-of-the-art industrial center that respects all the operational conditions and limits set out in the environmental license, renewed in 2022 for a period of 10 years. The company maintains strict control of the impact of its operations and 24-hour monitoring of its emissions, with state-of-the-art technology connected and monitored by the environmental authorities...
Ternium's average green house gases´s emissions represented 1.94 tons of CO₂ per ton of steel produced in 2023, a figure equivalent to the global specific average reported annually by the World Steel Association. As part of Ternium's Decarbonization Strategy, Ternium Brasil is ISO 50001 certified to improve the energy efficiency of its operations and is implementing decarbonization projects that contribute to the global emissions reduction target. Among the projects underway are the expansion of the scrap yard to increase the consumption of scrap as a substitute for iron ore and the exploration of the use of alternative raw materials, such as biomass, to replace fossil fuels. In this context, Ternium Brasil was the first steel company in Brazil to use biomethane in steel production, a 100% renewable energy source. The company, which is a Climate Action Member in World Steel Association, has been reporting its emissions since 2008 and to INEA since 2013. The indicator is also reported to the GEE (in English GHG) Brazilian Program, which has awarded Ternium Brasil with the Gold Seal, the highest award for organizations that reports their GHG emissions accurately.
Regarding to Ternium Brasil's water consumption, the company does not compete with the population's domestic consumption since the intake point of fresh water is downstream Rio de Janeiro City´s intakes...