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Company Response

17 May 2024

By TikTok

TikTok response to allegation platform used by traffickers targeting Loatian workers


Thank you for your email dated May 13, 2024, in which you invited TikTok to respond to an article by VOA News alleging our platform is used by traffickers to lure Laotian migrant workers into fraudulent schemes. Since the article does not identify or reference specific content or accounts on our platform, we cannot comment on any alleged specific examples from the article. However, we appreciate the opportunity to respond to the concerns outlined in the report and to provide more detail on our policies and efforts to safeguard our community.

At TikTok, we prioritize user safety and content authenticity. Our policies prohibit content that attempts to defraud or scam members of our community. As we make clear in our Community Guidelines, when we identify content that seeks to exploit the trust of our community members for personal benefit, we remove it. We can also ban accounts that repeatedly break our rules.

We currently have more than 40,000 trust and safety professionals working to protect our community...Of the content we removed for violating our rules on human exploitation, 99.7% was removed before it was reported to us, as you can see in our latest Community Guidelines Enforcement Report...
