Company Response
Timah Investasi Mineral has not responded to

Part of the following timelines
Indonesia: Nickel mining levels forests without FPIC; locals experience adverse health, environmental & economic impacts
Volvo Car's response
PT Vale Indonesia's response to Mighty Earth's report
Mercedes-Benz's response to Mighty Earth's response
Volkswagen's response to Mighty Earth's report
Ecopro did not respond to Mighty Earth's report
SGMW did not respond to Mighty Earth report
GM did not respond to Mighty Earth's report
Riota Jaya Lestari did not respond to Mighty Earth's report
GEM did not respond to Mighty Earth's report
Jaguar did not respond to Mighty Earth's report
Sambaki Tambang Sentosa did not respond to Mighty Earth's report
POSCO's response to Mighty Earth report
PT Youshan Nickel Indonesia did not respond to Mighty Earth's report
Bintang Delapan did not respond to Mighty Earth's report
PT Virtue Dragon Indonesia did not respond to Mighty Earth's report
Halmahera Sukses Mineral did not respond to Mighty Earth's report
Mulia Makmur Perkasa did not respond to Mighty Earth's report
Ceria Nugraha Indotama did not respond to Mighty Earth's report
Chentung Mining Group did not respond to Mighty Earth's report
Adhi Kartiko Pratama did not respond to Mighty Earth's report
Timah did not respond to Mighty Earth's report
China Molybdenum did not respond to Might Earth's report
Tsingshan did not respond to Mighty Earth's report
Sulawesi Mining Investment did not respond to Mighty Earth's report
Weda Bay Nickel did not respond to Mighty Earth's report
Honda did not respond to Mighty Earth's report
Lucid did not respond to Mighty Earth's report
LG Energy Solution did not respond to Mighty Earth's report
Samsung did not respond to Mighty Earth's report
Hyundai did not respond to Mighty Earth's report
Tonia Mitra Sejahtera did not respond to Mighty Earth's report
Ford did not respond to Might Earth's report
Sulawesi Cahaya Mineral did not respond to Mighty Earth's report
Toyota did not respond to Mighty Earth's report
Bukit Makmur Istindo Nikeltama did not respond to Mighty Earth's report
Weltmeister did not respond to Mighty Earth report
Bintang Delapan Mineral did not respond to Mighty Earth's report
Zhejiang Lygend did not respond to Mighty Earth's report
PT Halmahera Persada Lygend did not respond to Mighty Earth's report
Aneka Tambang (Antam) did not respond to Mighty Earth's report
Decent did not respond to Mighty Earth's report
Dongfeng did not respond to Mighty Earth's report
Indonesia Morowali Industrial Park (IMIP) did not respond to Mighty Earth's report
Timah Investasi Mineral did not respond to Mighty Earth's report
Tesla did not respond to Mighty Earth's report
Zhejiang CRRC did not respond to Mighty Earth's report
Xiamen Kinglong did not respond to Mighty Earth's report
Contemporary Amperex Technology (CATL) did not respond to Mighty Earth's report
KIA did not respond respond to Mighty Earth's report
Zhejiang Huayou's response to Mighty Earth report
BMW's response to Mighty Earth's report
Indonesia: Nickel concessions result to deforestation & adverse human rights impacts, Mighty Earth report finds
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Indonesia: Nickel mining operations in Kabaena island in Sulawesi adversely affect Bajau's health & livelihood
Indonesia: Nickel industry's adverse impacts on the Bajau's health & livelihood
PT Rohul Energi Indonesia did not respond
Timah Investasi Mineral did not respond to Mighty Earth's report
Tonia Mitra Sejahtera did not respond to Mighty Earth's report
Indonesia: Native Bajaus in Kabaena experience health problems due to nickel mining operations, Satya Bumi report finds
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