This is a response to
Report examines UBS & Credit Suisse's respect for human rights
Response by Credit Suisse: Berne Declaration report alleges that Credit Suisse fails to fulfil corporate responsibility to respect human rights.
UBS response re Berne Declaration report on Swiss banks and human rights
[PDF] Credit Suisse comment on recent report by Berne Declaration
[PDF] One Step Forward, Two Steps Back: Credit Suisse, UBS and Human Rights
Vedanta Denies Toxic Waste Leak [India]
Vedanta rejects Amnesty International claims of human rights abuses [India]
Vedanta strong rebuttal of Amnesty International claims on Lanjigarh aluminium project [India]
[PDF] Comments by SCIAF, Christian Aid, Action for Southern Africa on Vedanta's response to report on its mining operations in Zambia
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